

本日の談話テーマ: 「108 格言 #57: コミュニケーションの意味は、相手から得る反応である」
Today's Topic: 108 Aphorisms #57: “The meaning of the communication is the response it elicits.”

最新情報: 「ChatGPT談話室」記事シリーズの企画を開始した目的等については、以下の「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その一」の記事を参照してください。

この投稿は、(株)オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が配信する「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その129」です。



ChatGPT FAQ #129 (3/8/23):

Q1: The following is the aphorism #57:

“The meaning of the communication is the response it elicits [and not the intent one has].” – An NLP presupposition

Please comment.

A1: Aphorism #57 reflects another presupposition from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). This presupposition highlights the importance of focusing on the actual response or outcome of communication, rather than solely relying on the intent behind the communication.

Let's break down the key elements of this aphorism:

1. "The meaning of the communication": This refers to the intended message or information that the sender wants to convey to the receiver. It encompasses the thoughts, emotions, and ideas the sender intends to express.

2. "Is the response it elicits": This part emphasizes that the true meaning or effectiveness of communication lies in the response it generates from the receiver. In other words, it's not just about what the sender intends to communicate but how the message is perceived and understood by the recipient.

3. "[And not the intent one has]": This clause is essential because it reminds us that even if the sender's intent is well-meaning or clear to them, it doesn't guarantee that the message will be received and interpreted as intended.

In essence, this presupposition encourages individuals to be more attentive to the reactions and responses of others during communication. It suggests that effective communication is not merely about articulating thoughts and ideas but also about being aware of how those messages are received and understood by the audience.

Here are a few implications of this presupposition:

1. Empathy and understanding: When we focus on the responses we receive from others, we can better empathize and understand their perspective. This can lead to improved communication and the ability to adapt our message to ensure better reception.

2. Feedback and adaptation: By paying attention to the responses, we can gather valuable feedback. If the response is not what we intended, we can adjust our communication style, clarify our message, or use different language to enhance understanding.

3. Personal responsibility: Emphasizing the response rather than just the intent reminds us to take responsibility for our communication. It's not enough to assume that others will understand our intentions; we must be mindful of how our words and actions are perceived.

4. Cultural and individual differences: People come from diverse backgrounds and have varying communication styles. Being mindful of the responses can help us navigate these differences and communicate effectively with a broader range of individuals.

However, it's worth noting that while focusing on responses is essential for effective communication, it doesn't mean that intent is irrelevant. Intent still matters, and being genuine and respectful in our communication is crucial. Balancing intent with an awareness of responses can lead to more meaningful and successful interactions.

Overall, this NLP presupposition encourages us to be more perceptive and adaptable in our communication, leading to more harmonious and productive interactions with others.

Q2: I thank you for your answer to my previous question.

You said:

"1. "The meaning of the communication": This refers to the intended message or information that the sender wants to convey to the receiver. It encompasses the thoughts, emotions, and ideas the sender intends to express."

"3. "[And not the intent one has]": This clause is essential because it reminds us that even if the sender's intent is well-meaning or clear to them, it doesn't guarantee that the message will be received and interpreted as intended."

I have an additional comment.

That is, your answer presupposes that there is a possibility for the intent of message sender to be conveyed to the receiver as it is, but, unfortunately, NLP has found that such a possibility is quasi non-existing; hence, the very "unusual" presupposition which advises us that we should rather forget our intent, and concentrate solely on the feedback we receive from the receiver of our message.

I want you to comment on my thought.

A2: Thank you for sharing your additional comment and perspective on this NLP presupposition. You are correct in pointing out that NLP suggests that there is often a gap between the sender's intent and how the message is actually received and interpreted by the receiver. This presupposition acknowledges the inherent challenges and complexities of communication.

NLP practitioners have observed that various factors can influence how a message is received, such as the receiver's beliefs, experiences, cultural background, emotional state, and cognitive biases. As a result, even if the sender has a clear and well-meaning intent, there's no guarantee that the message will be perceived in the same way.

By emphasizing the importance of feedback and focusing on the response from the receiver, NLP encourages individuals to be more mindful of the effectiveness of their communication. Rather than assuming that the intended message has been accurately conveyed, this approach prompts us to check for understanding, clarify when needed, and adapt our communication style to ensure better reception.

In essence, this presupposition serves as a reminder that effective communication is a two-way process. It involves not only transmitting information but also being receptive to the feedback from the receiver. By actively listening and seeking feedback, we can bridge the gap between intent and perception, improving the likelihood of successful communication.

It's important to note that NLP is just one approach to understanding and improving communication. While this presupposition can be valuable in many contexts, it may not always be applicable or suitable in every situation. Different communication models and theories offer various insights, and the effectiveness of any approach depends on the individuals involved, their relationship, and the specific context in which communication occurs.

In summary, your comment aligns with the essence of the NLP presupposition, recognizing that the gap between intent and perception exists and that being receptive to feedback is a key aspect of enhancing communication. Being open to the reality that communication is multifaceted and often nuanced can lead to more meaningful and constructive interactions with others.

以下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。


「コミュニケーションの意味とは、そのコミュニケーションが引き出す反応であり、意図するものではない」。- NLPの前提


A1: 格言#57は、神経言語プログラミング(NLP)のもう一つの前提を反映しています。この前提は、コミュニケーションの背後にある意図だけに頼るのではなく、コミュニケーションの実際の反応や結果に焦点を当てることの重要性を強調しています。


1. 「コミュニケーションの意味」: これは、送り手が受け手に伝えたいメッセージや情報のことである。送り手が表現しようとする考え、感情、アイデアを含む。

2. 「それが引き出す反応」: この部分は、コミュニケーションの真の意味や効果は、それが受け手から生み出す反応にあることを強調しています。言い換えれば、送り手が何を伝えようとしたのかだけでなく、そのメッセージが受け手にどのように受け止められ、理解されるかが重要なのです。

3. 「そして、自分の意図ではない)」: この句は、たとえ送り手の意図が善意であっても、あるいは彼らにとって明確であっても、メッセージが意図したとおりに受け取られ、解釈されることを保証するものではないことを思い起こさせるために不可欠である。



1. 共感と理解: 相手から返ってくる反応に注目することで、相手の立場に共感し、理解することができる。これはコミュニケーションの改善につながり、より良い受け取り方を確保するためにメッセージを適応させることができる。

2. フィードバックと適応: 反応に注意を払うことで、貴重なフィードバックを集めることができる。もし反応がこちらの意図するものでなかった場合、コミュニケーションのスタイルを調整したり、メッセージを明確にしたり、別の言葉を使うことで理解を深めることができる。

3. 個人の責任: 意図だけでなく反応を重視することは、自分のコミュニケーションに責任を持つことを思い出させてくれる。他人が自分の意図を理解してくれると思うだけでは不十分で、自分の言動がどのように受け取られるかを意識しなければならない。

4. 文化や個人の違い: 人々は多様な背景を持ち、コミュニケーションスタイルも様々です。対応に気を配ることで、こうした違いを乗り越え、より幅広い人々と効果的なコミュニケーションをとることができる。





「1. 「コミュニケーションの意味」: これは、送信者が受信者に伝えたい意図されたメッセージや情報を指します。送信者が表現しようとする考え、感情、アイデアを含む。"

"3."[そして、自分の意図ではない]: この節は、送り手の意図が彼らにとって善意であったり明確であったとしても、メッセージが意図されたとおりに受け取られ解釈されることを保証するものではないことを思い起こさせるため、不可欠である。"




A2: このNLPの前提条件について、追加のコメントと視点を共有していただきありがとうございます。NLPが、送り手の意図と、メッセージが実際に受け手によってどのように受け取られ、解釈されるかとの間には、しばしばギャップがあることを示唆している、というご指摘はごもっともです。この前提は、コミュニケーションに内在する課題や複雑さを認めています。








北岡泰典「メタ心理学宣言」ページ: https://www.kitaoka.co/meta/
