
#9 Texas has one of the lowest energy costs in the US, study says

Today's article.

Researchers at WalletHub compared average energy bills from all 50 states to account for electricity, natural gas, motor fuel, and home heating oil. Their findings led WalletHub to rank Texas 47th when it comes to high energy costs, making it the 4th lowest in the U.S. between Nebraska and Kansas.


WalletHub claims the average total energy cost is about $437 per month; compare that with Wyoming, which has the highest energy cost in the country at a total cost of $1,591

Wyoming $1,591

Some tips to ensure you save money on your energy bills.

When your thermostat is set below 78°F, each degree cooler can increase your costs by up to seven percent.

You can also toss a dry towel in with your load to help significantly reduce drying times.

Air dry your clothes and laundry. And while we’re on the subject of air drying, get yourself a clothesline and try hanging your clothes and towels to dry instead of using the dryer. The Department of Energy said this will save you about $9.53 a month or $114.36 a year.

Help appliances not work so hard. For example, don’t put hot food in the fridge or freezer. Let food cool before placing it inside and save the extra energy for the fridge to cool down.

Appliances=日本で言う白物家電(washer, frigde, rice cooker)
electronics=日本で言う黒物家電(video games, computers, )
