
#5 Texas AG, DOJ sue Ticketmaster and Live Nation: Illegal monopoly drives up prices for fans

Ticketmaster 、Livenation という巨大コンサートチケット会社が独占的にチケット売買をしており、チケット料金が上がりまくっている話。


Ticketmaster Entertainment, LLC is an American ticket sales and distribution company based in Beverly Hills, California with operations in many countries around the world.
In 2010, it merged with Live Nation under the name Live Nation Entertainment.


Texas AG、DOJ

・Texas AG:(Texas Attorney General
・DOJ:Department of Justice

Around 70% of tickets for major concert venues in the U.S. are sold through Ticketmaster

The Justice Department said Live Nation's anti-competitive practices include using long-term contracts to keep venues from choosing rival ticketers, blocking venues from using multiple ticket sellers and threatening venues that they could lose money and fans if they don't choose Ticketmaster.


Ticketmaster has clashed repeatedly with artists and fans over the years. Pearl Jam took aim at the company in 1994, although the Justice Department ultimately declined to bring a case. More recently, Bruce Springsteen fans were enraged over high ticket costs because of the platform’s dynamic pricing system.

