
Post from Neptune Triton on Facebook

Many of you are going through some very confusing times. Many of you are separating from friends. From family. From people who you thought had your 6. .this is all a part of divine intervention and planning. Those who do not reside within your Frequency will simply leave. Or be excused in epic fashion.
This is because many of them are not going to be in our lives during the next experience.
Lots of you are finally standing up for your beliefs.
No longer afraid to speak out.
Speaking Truth Your.
This Is A Very Important Process Of The Ascendsion ..... To Speak Your Truth. Speak Your Voice.
It Unblocks A Part Of Your Chakra System And Your Kundalini Activation Will Not Engage Unless You Have Addressed All Of These Issues.
It's very important for us to take the time now to work on yourself.
Everyone who Is meant to awaken ... is awake.
You will no longer wake people up .... no matter how hard you try. It's important to instead turn that focus and energy on yourself .... and focus your intentions on healing yourself so that when you are called into action ... which you will be ..... you are 100%

The end of suffering is near. The end of pettiness. The end of worshipping money. The end of confusion and speculation. The end of an era of enslavement to a system that was designed to harvest everything including our life force energy from us.

Nothing else should matter right now. Your bills mean nothing. They won't exist. Your car payment. None of it. The entire system is about to be dissolved entirely.
Save your efforts and energy for yourself.
Sacrificing yourself for others .. ..only works if you sacrifice your entire life.

Time is speeding up. Global planet ending war timelines are collapsing. Nothing will stand in the way of ascendsion.

If you haven't figured it out by now ..... this is a simulation. A simulation with free will as the driving force and decisions complete the cycles.
An organic ... holographic reality run by ancient artificial intelligence that was hijacked by lizard people.
Fuckin weird plot twist huh?

Well it's about to get weirder. For those who haven't been paying attention because they are too caught up in life's jail cell of existence .... they are going to have the most difficult time adjusting.
Many of us have already adjusted our lifestyles to fit the new world ..... by stepping away from the programming.
No television.
No work only volunteer
No bills.
Communal living
Self healing instead of hospitals.
Ditching low vibrational friends who really don't care about you. Only What you can do for them.
Many people are being ousted for the life sucking narcissistic phucks they are and right now ... many of them are paying dearly for it.
Like that boss who called you stupid for not investing your money in bitcoin.
That friend who told you you have to help him complete his responsibilities or you are not a true friend ..... emotional blackmailing.

All of them are suffering for it.
The boss ran off all his good employees and is now scrambling to keep his business afloat. While blaming everyone else around him for his mistakes.

See those who do not carry themselves in the heart .... are about to get bent over and checked in a bad way. Karma is forcing all to repay their debts.
Karma is the mirror in which you have lived your life here. And all of your mistakes are logged. All of them.

So while many of us have gone through that dark knight of the soul and everything seems to have fallen apart ..... thats not the case. It is clearing a path for you to prepare you for whats about to happen.

The people around you will be humbled. Forcefully if necessary. And the risks you took with your life ... your job ... your friends all thinking you were the crazy one .... will all be turning to you asking for advice on what to do next when their world's fall apart.

But yours already did .... and you are on the rebound.
Ahead of the game.

Stay focused on you. Because thats what will be needed here shortly.
I can assure you that very very soon ..... none of the petty problems will even be an issue.
We're bringing it back to basics.


This is all that will matter.
Once this simulation resets ..... and it will ... all the evidence is lined up ...... nothing else but your survival and unity will matter.

Humans have a long history of forgetting what's important .... but it's been a rough ride being under so much control. So expect a lot to be forgiven. Don't be so hard on yourself. There are really only a few deal breakers that will prevent you from ascending.

One is taking the jib. The mark of the beast prevents your soul from ascending.
Sorry it is what it is.
Two .... never having harmed an innocent child by raping or killing them.
Three .... the amount of karmic debt you racked up over this lifetime must be less than your positive karma.
Basically you just have to not be a dick.
Malice and murder. Self defense is more than OK. It's actually a requirement. But killing innocent people is not ok. More often than not it's not what you do.
It's how you do it.

All else is forgiven. It's really that simple.

So be less harsh on yourself. Love yourself.
Loving yourself is also a requirement.
Be kind to yourself.
You have been through so much ..... so so much.
Speak of yourself kindly.
Love yourself as you love others.

Life is about to get a lot less complicated. And only those worthy of ascendsion will go up.
If you have failed ... you may get stuck in the lower realms until you learn your lessons in the next experience.
If you have REALLY failed ... your soul may be recycled entirely.

This type of win at this scale has never before been achieved. So many of you have to be very proud of yourselves for what you have survived, endured and accomplished. The time now is to heal and prepare.
Prepare your mind, and your heart and your physical self for the next chapter as we get reset back to 0.

For many or you your dreams are just about to come true. Everything you ever thought possible in your imagination can become reality. We are in full manifestation mode right now. Many of us are seeing instant manifestations.

For the rest of our short time here work on YOURSELF.
Give thanks love and compassion to yourself for making it this far. It is more important than you worrying about everyone else.
Do you.
Then you can do others.
We can't pour from the empty cup.

Love you all.
It's been a wild ride.
