
How to Ace Your Exams

How much stress does each student experience when it comes to exams? The classic method is to drink mountains of energy drinks and continue for hours, but what if there are more productive and healthy hacks that can help you succeed in your exams?
Here are some learning tips that may be right for you.
1. Reward yourself.
Rewarding yourself as you study is a very important strategy. When you know you will reward yourself, you will give yourself to do something for yourself. So, when you make a plan for when you are going to study and take a break, including some delicious treats, YouTube, etc.
2. uses online learning tools and apps.
Thanks to the Internet, we can use many tools to improve our learning. There are some amazing tools like the Quiz let.
If you need help by referring to your work, the site will help.
3. Drinks plenty of water.
You may be tempted to drink sugary sodas and energy drinks to move you forward, but these will only help to impair your learning performance. When you drink a lot of sugary drinks, it takes time for you to break down.
When you break down, you become lazy and tired. This is the worst thing that can happen when you study — so be sure to drink plenty of water instead. It keeps you hydrated and healthy and will not make you tired!
4. Take regular breaks.
Regular breaks are important. You do not always have to take hourly breaks, but a few breaks of ten minutes will suffice. These allow you to give your brain a minute of rest and give you a new perspective on the areas of study that you are stuck with.
5. Write your study notes.
Rather than typing your study notes, writing becomes more important to your memory. Numerous studies have shown that typing your notes does not help your memory while taking the time to write all your notes gives a lasting impression. So, get yourself a comfortable pen!
6. Use different colors.
When writing your notes, be sure to use different colors. By using different colors, you can easily remember important points when exam time comes.
7. Do not wake up too early.
Wake up very early before your exam and can only work if you went to bed last night. If you fall asleep late and wake up early, you will interrupt REM sleep, which has a huge impact on your memory. So, if you want to wake up early and study before your exam, it is important to get a good night’s sleep the day before.
8. Read aloud!
Writing your notes will help you memorize statistics and information so you can read aloud. According to multiple studies, when you read words, you are more likely to remember them. Reading aloud also gives you the opportunity to understand passages that were previously difficult to understand.
9. Turn off your phone.
Even looking at the corner of your phone or tablet gives you thoughts of distraction. Just thinking about checking Facebook will turn your attention away like checking Facebook.
10. watch videos.
If you need to use YouTube, watch videos related to your exam topic. Watching videos is really a great way to enhance your learning experience, keep you away from the tedious task of reading and give you the opportunity to learn in different ways.

Useful resources: https://sites.google.com/site/bestessaywritingservicereview/
