
10/23(金)、10/24(土)、10/25(日)のイベント開催について / Cancellation of the Meet Geisha show on 23rd, 24th, 25th October




現在、Meet Geishaに参加する芸者衆およびイベント運営母体である株式会社ガイアックスの関係者において感染者および濃厚接触者は確認されておりません。


保健所より、見番の利用におきましては通常通りの消毒を実施した上で、閉鎖の必要はないとコメントをいただいておりますが、より安全な状態で運用する為に今週のイベント 23日(金)、24日(土)、25日(日)の開催は中止とさせていただきます。



現在、徹底しておりますマスクの着用や手洗い・アルコール消毒などは今後も継続し、Meet Geishaイベント運営および、観覧くださるお客様の安全確保に努めてまいります。



Cancellation of the Meet Geisha show on 23rd, 24th, 25th October

We regret to inform you the cancellation of the show scheduled to be held on October 23rd, 24th and 25th.

We confirmed the information of one of the people from an external party who involved in Hakone Geisha Association to be infected by the novel coronavirus on October 22nd 2020.

Please refer to the below information and the measures taken based on the report to the public health center.

- There is no high risk contact or close contact person confirmed in the performer, staff and those who have been involved in operating the Meet Geisha show.
- The person who was infected has no interaction with any of the customer who visited the show and with the operation of the show. He is currently under the 14days quarantine following the public health center instruction.
- We had been allowed to continue the show regularly following the measures of the prevention of the spread of coronavirus.
- To ensure more safety we decided to cancel the show for this 3 days of October 23rd, 24th and 25th.
- We will keep on maintaining and ensuring our customer and staff's safety by following the prevention measure of sanitizing and wearing masks, hand cleanliness.
- The show scheduled after October 30th Friday will operate regularly.

Thank you for your continuous support and kind understanding.

Official website: https://www.meetgeisha.jp/en
