
Who can Apply for the Visa Subclass 408?

Australia is one of the most favourite destinations in the world for overseas activities. The government of the country is curious to sponsor foreign candidates with religious, cultural, research, sports, or entertainment activities. The aim of the country is to create a friendly environment with other nations and inside Australia. For this, the home affair department of the country has introduced the visa called Subclass 408. The visa is further divided into several streams and each stream has some additional requirements with basic eligibility. It is a temporary visa plan and the time duration for each stream is varied. Let’s know more about the visa.

Australian Government Endorsed Events

The stream visa processing time is faster. It may take around 78 days to up to 3 months. Moreover, the stream allows applicants to stay up to 4 years. The visa is granted only for participation in certain events endorsed by the Australian government. Currently, the visa is offered to take part in the Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery event. The visa doesn’t put the restriction to travel to and from Australia as many times as you want. The letter of endorsement must be received via an approved organization.

Special Program Stream

The stream is for those candidates interested in participating in an approved special program such as youth exchange, cultural enrichment, and community programs. Foreign school teachers who are interested in providing school language assistants can also eligible for the visa. The visa can be applied from in and outside Australia. The stay period is up to 12 months.

Religious Work Stream

Australia is a home of multi-cultural people from all parts of the world. Therefore, various religious events organize in the nation occasionally. Religious institutions have the right to invite religious activity workers in Australia to organize special religious events. The visa is valid for up to 2 years. It is for full-time religious work. The visa can be applied in and outside Australia. The visa requires you to sign in an agreement to work full-time for a religious institution in Australia.

Research Activities and Sporting Activities

Australia is one of the hottest educational hubs in the world. Foreign researchers are curious to practice research activities in the country. The 408 visa helps foreign researchers to take part in a research project. The visa is valid for up to 2 years. Similarly, Australia is a favourite destination for sports lovers. The visa allows foreign sports experts to play, coach, instructor or adjudicate for an Australian team.
