MY first English note-20200819

From today on, I want to share my English notes and my thoughts after I reading English articles. Please give me some comments~~

1. calorie----カロリー a unit for measuring how much energy there is in food 
consume calories カロリーを摂取する
burn calories カロリーを燃やす
2.obesity----肥満 the state of being very overweight
An unhealthy diet can lead to obesity. 不健康な食生活は肥満につながり得る3.bill---法案 a written suggestion for a new law
protect the bill to do sth ○○を認める法案に抗議する
pass a bill to impose higher taxes on the wealthy 富裕層により高い税を課す法案を可決した。
4.blame---責任について責める、人のせいにする to say or believe that some one is responsible for something bad 
be blamed for doing sth/sth; blame sb for S+vi ○○という理由で○○を非難する・責める
6.oppose----反対する、対抗する to disagree with and try to stop something
oppose sth/sb; to doing sth (the new law,position意見)
7. processed meat---肉類加工品

Mexican State Bans Junk Food Sales to Children

Law makers in a state in southern Mexico have approved a ban on selling high-calorie snack food to children.
Oaxaca has one of the highest rates of childhood obesity in the world. The new rules would mean that businesses can't sell or give away high-calorie products to anyone under 18,unless they are with a parent.
The bill, which still needs to be signed by the state governor to become law,would also ban vending machines selling the same goods in or near schools.
officials in Mexico have blamed junk food and soft drinks for Mexico's high rate of deaths among middle-aged people from COVID-19. They say that Mexicans die at younger ages from the pandemic in part because of the country's high rates of diabetes and obesity.
The UN Children's Fund says childhood obesity is a health emergency in Mexico, saying the country's children get 40% of their total calories from junk food. A Mexican government health survey found that 75% of Mexican children were overweight or obese in 2018.
However, the National Association of Small Store Owners said the new rules could hurt 58,000 small shops and restaurants, and cause job losses in Oaxaca. It said the ban comes as 70,000 small stores across the country have had to close because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Earlier this year, the Mexican government announced it will require warning labels on high-calorie products, a decision that was also opposed by industry groups. The new rules will require labels to be printed on the front of packages saying things like ''high in calories''
This lesson is based on an article by The Associated Press.

About my thoughts on this article 

First of all, I think the results of the survey about obesity problem in Mexico shocked me. In my common sense, I think it could be USA, China or India where a part of populations suffer from obesity. But my tutor told me it's true that there are a lot of fried food or comfort food in Mexican's diets and Children in Mexico are given Coca cola as drinks at the age of 2 years old by their parents!! And I did a simple research about Most obese Countries 2020. And it is true that Mexico is the most obese country in the world with a rate of 28.9%.  And I could understand why government want to improve the problem quickly by banning Junk food among children.

However I think the new law is too crazy and stupid. My exercise tutor always tells me that keeping healthy is a matter of keeping balance between diets and sports. It doesn't matter what did you eat as long as you could burn calories more than you consumed by doing sports. So I think what Mexican governor should do is to Change education system in school, encouraging children and their parents to balance diets and sports, stopping parents to give children Coca cola.

Second I suggest Mexico should improve their food culture by introducing some healthy concepts and healthy ingredients. As long as government appeal to people to eat more fresh and healthy food, drink water rather than soft drinks, do more sports after meals, it definitely would be good business chances for food industry and fitness industry. 

Really wish people who suffer from obesity in the world could have healthy lifestyle~~

"Most Obese Countries 2020"