
How to Install Office 365 Updates with SSCM Enable Configuration Manager

Full name of SSCM is Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager, which is a dominant management application. Enabling the configuration manager in the Windows is a simple task if you do it in a straightforward method. When you install it in your window device, it will help you to reduce your extra expenses and other costs because of the ownership. The method of enabling the configuration manager is simple, and with this, you will receive notification of the Office 365 client package. Apart from that, the configuration manager is able to work with multiple Microsoft technology and other service things.

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Microsoft innovates technology by providing the hardware and software both kinds of tools for better productivity and management services. Every source or that available, it has its own advantage and positive impact on their user. Microsoft Office currently the best tool for productivity and management. It is used by billions of people in the world. The company provides service and updates because people are so dependent and attach to the services and sources.

Microsoft is a huge technology brand, and that is why it is compatible with the Smartphone as well.

For extending the management services, Microsoft azure to host cloud services can be in use.

WSUS Windows server update service is available for managing software updates.

Remote desktop is available, and alongside with it, remote assistance is also available.

Services like windows deployment services are available.

Install Office 365 updates by the configuration manager

Office 365 holds several handy applications you can use to increase your efficiency. All this application has its use and advantage. The updates are required because without them, things can’t perform optimally. Windows works from several sources and services that are already available in it. That is why the configuration manager delivers better management service to the laptop and desktop. To enable the management application and to extract the package, you need to follow some simple steps.

Choose Right Server of Site

First thing that you need to keep in mind that you need to choose the right site, and then you can configure things perfectly. Configuration manager sync with the service of Microsoft cloud services to get the latest updates. Install the updates from the configuration manager console. First, move to the configuration manager console. Then, select “Site Configuration” > “Site” and after that, choose the server of your site.

Move on to Settings Groups

Setting menu has lots of features available, but they’re only a few are helpful in that category. In the settings method is simple, and there are few things that you need to look for. At Home tab, go to Settings groups, then choose “Configure Site Components.” And then, in the end, select “Software Update Point.”

Operate Software Update Point with Component Property Dialog Box

The Component Property dialogue box is available in Software Update Point, and then here are a few things that you need to do.

Move to the “Products” tab, below the Office, choose “Office 365 client.”
After the first step now you need to reach to “Classification” tab and then select “Updates.”

Both updates and Office 365 Client is selected for the configuration manager for receiving the notification at the time of availability of the Office 365 client package.

Harry Martin is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding officecomsetup and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

Source:-How to Install Office 365 Updates with SSCM Enable Configuration Manager
