
Realizing a world without violence against Children. Professor Ayumi Yasutomi running into Upper cabinet campaign.

Photo: Ayumi Yasutomi, Yu-Gon(horse) and chidrens at Nakano Tokyo.

Professor Ayumi Yastomi was nominated as a member of the House of Councilors from the “Reiwa New Team”.

Ayumi told, The most important reason for being a candidate for me is to protect the children.
I would like to announce that I would like to convey to everyone. Protecting a child does not mean that the child goes to school. Protecting children does not mean expanding the child counseling center.

We need to keep trying to protect children until there are no children suffering from abuse or suffering their dreams. If the children's dreams come true one by one Children will feel that this world will accept themselves, and they will find themselves accepted by the world.

Horses are compatible with children. I want to keep horses at each school.
Ayumi also noted that Children, nature and horses are not the kind of things we should obey.

Also, we must not obey what we want. There are many adults who can not live their childhood as they are. Unfortunately, such unfortunate adults think that they can control nature, animals and children.

Yasutomi also stated on the economic policy as follows.

There is an economy for people to help each other. The role of money is to pay thanks for helping each other. Thank you for the help, it is money that thank you.
Many people still believe that I paid you so you listened to me. That is fundamental misunderstand of the economy.

Professor Ayumi Yasutomi Profile:
Professor of Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia in Tokyo University. His research interests are as follows;

(1) History of Modern Manchuria and "Manchukuo"
(2) Socio-ecological history on East Asia
(3) Theoretical Economics
(4) Mathematical Science on complex systems(5) Population dynamics
(6) Theory of Harassment
(7) Recovery of ecology and culture in the Loess Plateau, China
(8) Decolonisation of the Soul
(9) Management theory of Peter Drucker
(10) Thought of Confucius
