Landmark English Communication III Lesson 7 (4-5)

➍ In the initial stages of the experiment, / no significant changes were observed / in the foxes. // However, / with the 6th generation came the appearance of an “elite fox,” / or in other words, / an obedient fox / that behaved more affectionately / and exhibited behaviors / such as tail wagging,  whining, and licking people / like a pet dog. // Furthermore, / when a 15th generation “elite fox” was living with humans, / researchers observed signs of a deep bonding / and affection between a human and the fox. // One day, /  much like a guard dog, / the fox barked at a security guard / that it thought / was an intruder and stopped barking on command, / suggesting that the fox had developed the loyalty of a dog. //

initial:初期の significant:顕著な generation:世代
the appearance of an "elite foxes" came with the 6th generation
wag:しっぽを振る whine:クンクン鳴く lick:舐める
security guard:ガードマン、警備員
the fox barked at a security guard that (it thought) was an intruder and stopped barking on command

➎ The behavioral changes were also accompanied / by physical changes. // As the experiment progressed, / the domesticated foxes looked more and more like dogs. / For one thing, / there was an odd change / to the color of their bodies. // Some foxes had light brown speckles, / while others were black / with white patches of varying sizes. // Other striking changes also occurred to these foxes, / too. // They grew droopy ears and curly tails. // They also had shorter bones / in their legs and tails. // Their snouts were shorter, / and their skulls wider. // In other words, / their skeletal structure became more like that of a dog. //

behavioral:行動上の be accompanied by~:~が伴う physical:身体的
domesticated:飼いならされた progress:進む odd:奇妙な
speckle:ぽつぽつ、斑点 patch:斑点、ぶち varying:さまざまな
striking:著しい、目立つ droopy:垂れている curly:巻いた
snout:鼻 skeletal:骨格の
