Landmark English Comunicaion III Lesson 7 (1-3)

➊ Assistance dogs, / police dogs, / and pet dogs / — dogs are good companions to humans / in many aspects of our lives. // This companionship began / tens of thousands of years ago. // According to genetic research, /  dogsʼ ancestors were wolves. // Some wolves realized / that if they followed human hunters around, / humans killed prey / and they could get the leftovers. // Hunters also realized / that they could tame and train the wolves /  to help them hunt. // These wolves gradually became “dogs.” //

in many aspects of~:~の多くの点で companionship:仲間付き合い、交際 tens of thousands of years:何万年も prey:獲物 leftover:残り
help them hunt:(help O V原)OがVするのを助ける

➋ It is generally believed / that as wolves became dogs, / their bodies and natures changed. // They no longer had to hunt / because they were being fed by humans, / so their mouths became more rounded. // They also developed traits / that helped them bond with humans, / such as obedience, / and fur color and ear shapes / that are more appealing to humans. // The shape of their intestines also changed / to help them digest human food more efficiently. // The wolfʼs howl, / which was used to communicate with other wolves, / also evolved and became the dogʼs bark, / which is used to communicate with humans. //

as:何々するのにつれて(比例) as wolves became dogs:オオカミが犬になるのにつれて
no longer :もはや~ない they were being fed by humans:オオカミは人間にエサを与えられる
trait:特徴、特性 bond:絆、信頼関係を結ぶ obedience:従順
intestine:腸(large/ small)※もしか分からなければ、もうちょっと先を見よう。digestは「消化する」→消化に関する臓器の話だから、胃か腸か。胃はstomachだから…。

➌But how does a ferocious wolf / transform into an obedient dog?// To shed some light on the mystery, / Russian professor Dmitri Belyayev began re-creating the evolutionary process of how dogs were born. // He selected wild foxes, / which are from the same canine family / as wolves / and exhibit a cautious and unfriendly attitude / toward humans, / as wolves do. // Beginning in 1958, / his research group bred these foxes for 60 years, / selecting foxes / that seemed comparatively more obedient in each of the dozens of generations. // During this experiment, / dramatic changes were observed in these foxes, / not only in their behavior / but also in their physical appearances. //

ferocious:獰猛な、凶暴な transform into~:~に変わる、変形する
evolutionary process:進化の過程 canine:イヌ科の、イヌの
the same ~as:何々と同じ~
as wolves do=as wolves exhibit(オオカミが見せるような)
bred=breedの過去・過去分詞 breed:繁殖・飼育する
comparatively:かなり、相対的に、比較的 dozens of :非常に多くの
behavior:行動、physical appearance:身体的見た目
