Landmark English Communication III (Lesson 8)1-3

➊ I now had the key to all language, / and I was eager to learn to use it. // Children who can hear acquire language without any particular effort, / while the little deaf child must learn words / by a slow and often painful process.// But whatever the process, / the result is wonderful.

a key to ~:~への鍵 be eager to V:Vすることを切望する
learn to V:Vするようになる acquire:獲得する
Children who can hear acquire language:関係詞の節はどこまで?
while:~の一方で painful:痛い、苦しい、辛い
whatever the process (is), :そのプロセスがどうであっても、
cause - process - result (セットで覚えよう)

➋ From the beginning of my education / Miss Sullivan made it a practice / to speak to me / as she would speak to any hearing child; / the only difference was that / she spelled the sentences / into my hand / instead of speaking them. // If I did not know the words and idioms / necessary to express my thoughts, / she supplied them, / even suggesting conversation / when I was unable to keep up / my end of the dialogue. //

make it a practice to V:Vすることを習慣にする cf. make it a rule to V
as ~ように would:過去の習慣 any hearing child = any child who can hear spell:綴る keep up one's end:役割を果たす、最後まで頑張る

➌ At first, / when my teacher told me about a new thing / I asked very few questions. // My ideas were vague / and my vocabulary was inadequate; / but as my knowledge of things grew / and I learned more and more words,/  my curiosity widened / and I would return again and again / to the same subject, / eager for further information. // Sometimes a new word revived an image / that some earlier experience had left / in my brain.

vague:あいまい、不明確な inadequate:不十分 more and more:もっと多くの curiosity:好奇心 widen:広がる revive:生き返らせる、呼び起こす some→experiences?  experience:(不可算で)[知識・技能を得るために]体験・経験すること (可算で)[人が出会う個々の]体験・経験
an image [that some earlier experience had left in my brain]:以前の経験が私の脳に残したイメージ
