Landmark English Communication III Lesson 6 (1-3)

(1) Uruguay is the second smallest country / in South America / and famous for winning the first FIFA World Cup. / From 2010 to 2015 / its president was José Mujica, / often referred to as “the poorest president / in the world.” / This was because / he donated 90% of his salary / to charity for poor people / and lived on / about $1,000 a month. / Believing that / politicians should live as modestly as regular citizens, / he lived with his wife in her small farmhouse / rather than in the luxurious presidential residence. / The house had no running water, / so they drew water from a well. /

be famous for ~:~で有名 its=Uruguay's
refer to A as B:A(人・物)をBと言う、呼ぶ (referredの語形変化注意)
This= People often call him "the poorest president in the world."
donate A toB : AをBに寄付する live on~:~(金額)で暮らす
Believing that:that 以下のことを信じながら
as modestly as regular citizen:普通の市民と同じくらいささやかに
rather than :A rather than Bで「BというよりはA」
running water :流水・水道のこと
well (n):井戸

When interviewed / on television, / Mujica was asked, / “Donʼt you hate always being referred to as the poor president?” / His answer was, / “Iʼm not poor. / Poor people are people / who want more and more / and are never satisfied. / Iʼm just a modest person. / I can live comfortably / with what I have.” /

When ( he was ) interviewed
Don't you hate (always) being referred to as 
being referred to ~:~と呼ばれることに
Don't you hate?:嫌ではありませんか
people [ who want more and more ] より多くを欲しがる人たち
just = only ほんの~に過ぎない
with what I have :自分が持っているもので

What made Mujica world-famous / was his speech / at the UN Rio+20 Conference / held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / in 2012. / At the conference, / world leaders gathered to discuss issues / related to sustainable development. / Mujica declared / that the problem was not an environmental crisis, / but mass-consumption / in our modern society. / “In this world, / consumption is the engine / which drives our society. / To make this engine run faster, / we consume more, faster. / If consumption is stopped, / the economy is paralyzed, / and if the economy is paralyzed, / it plunges into recession. / The basic issue is / this social model / we have implemented. / Itʼs our way of life / that we need to re-examine.” /

What made Mujica world-famous:Mujica氏を世界的に有名にしたのは make OC (OをCにする)
issues [ related to sustainable development ] 持続可能性に関係した問題
relate to~:~に関連した
not an environmental crisis but mass-consumption:not A but B
engine ーdrive:駆動する原動力(セットで使えるように覚えよう)
To make this engine run faster:使役V+O+原型不定詞
consume more, faster:より多く、より速く消費する
plunge into~:~に突入する
implement≒carruy out
It's our way of life that we need to re-examine
強調構文 強調するのは"our way of life"
