Landmark English Communication III (Lesson 8)4-7

➍ I remember the morning / that I first asked the meaning of the word “love.”//  This was before I knew many words. / I had found a few violets in the garden / and brought them to my teacher. // She tried to kiss me, / but at that time / I did not like to have any one kiss me / except my mother. // Miss Sullivan put her arm gently round me / and spelled into my hand, / “I love Helen.” / “What is love?” I asked.//

the word = "love" 同格(という~)violet:スミレ 
have any one kiss me:any one ≒ anyone have O V原(OにVさせる)
put one's arm round:(人)を片手で抱きしめる

➎ She drew me closer to her / and said, / “It is here,” / pointing to my heart, / whose beats I was conscious of / for the first time. / Her words puzzled me very much / because I did not then understand anything / unless I touched it.

draw:引く、引っ張る be conscious of~:~を自覚・意識する

➏ I smelt the violets / in her hand / and asked, / half in words, / half in signs, / a question which meant, / “Is love the sweetness of flowers?” / “No,” / said my teacher. //

smell:匂いをかぐ sign (language):手話 sweetness:甘さ、甘味、美しさ

➐ Again I thought. // The warm sun was shining on us. // “Is this not love?” // I asked, / pointing in the direction / from which the heat came. // “Is this not love?”

the direction from which the heat came = the direction which the heat came from
