
The film has shaped you and your life

Valentine’s Day is coming up and February could be a good time to talk about romantic things perhaps. There are so many romantic films and dramas we have seen prior.  

One of the most unforgettable scenes from this film, “Children of a lesser god”(1986). Yes, it is a rather heavy serious story indeed and may not be fit into the recent light touch.  Said, it has still stayed in me for the romantic scenes pick because that has taught me the emotional violin tune of classic music by Bach. And romantic honest emotional communication between the couple is even more powerful and absolutely beautiful.  The film was really almost shocking to me in so many ways and I have learned loads from.  Since then I guess I have always wished to meet people who can have with honest conversations no matter what.  Interesting how the film could shape your mind just like that.  

I still do come back to watch and listen to this Bach’s ‘Double Violin Concerto in D minor (2nd movement largo)’, time to time to make me feel silent and have a deep breath to break stressful days.  It has become my reset music nowadays.  Violins always make me cry…. I know that sounds awfully cheesy topic maybe but I am so grateful to have met this film. I have given up on practicing it in my teenager days and maybe it’s time for me to start again:-)

Would you have that films and or dramas which have shaped your personality?

photo from the movie clips.youtubes
