
2022/05/01 NEW MOON@TAURUS

May 1, 2022, 05:27 New Moon @Taurus 10°27’

New Moon Report. This time it is Taurus. This is a chart with clear characteristics. As the New Moon point is in Taurus, we should immediately focus on Taurus, but before we do, we look at the way it "wants to get its way".
Symbols of self-desire are prominent, and you are honest about your desires. And this time, the benefits are likely to be on a larger scale than you think, in line with that desire. If there are two types of New Moons, the common New Moon and the eventful New Moon, this is a deeply meaningful New Moon where something is likely to happen. However, it seems calm and positive.
Even if the motives don't seem like a big reason to others - "I wanted it", "I wanted to do it", "I wanted to have it" - this is a time when wish and intention become one force and take shape. And it is at this New Moon that the intellect responds to that wish.

There are two new moons in May of the year. The fact that it is on the first day of a month with many days naturally means that a new moon will also occur at the end of the month. This new moon is also a solar eclipse. It is not observable in Japan, but as long as you are a human being living on the Earth, you will still be affected even if you are outside the area where you can observe it. This will be a major resetting event because of the eclipse involved.

Food, money and wages are the direct themes, but this time the area of information transmission will also change in tandem.
On an individual level, this is the area related to work competence and self-expression, so there will be a discovery of "what can be under the sun by renewal". It should not be the same as before. Way of communicating. Renewal of the expression of the style of speech.
For those who have been expressing themselves only through text, look for ways to improve it, such as using audio, for those who are mainly audio, use visuals, and for those who are mainly visual, use music instead of just talking to increase the impression. By paying attention to the 'world created by words' rather than simply conveying information, and by improving the direction, the words will gain more power.

This is only a resultant rationale, but social networking is a world and a place in its own medium, and the theme of Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter is one form of this theme. The symbolisation of funding, the movement of huge sums of money and the renewal of the management and operating structure to information matters is shown, and the renewal symbolisation of the information transmission theme is not in one place. When Pluto is at the zenith and the eclipse resets, the change of top management of the internet business is meant as it is. So the development of Mr Elon Musk this time falls exactly into the star flow that points to investment. It is a flow that has contacted the stars from yourself. Looking at the midpoints, we can extract the meanings of 'change of telecoms boss', 'investment involved' and 'change in communication style'. It is better to change again. Functional improvements. For the existing, it's a change of regime, but for the general public it's a calm and happy development as a way out of the eclipse renewal!

Back to individuals, this time the chart says "Doing what you want to do is a great solution for your own and others' happiness!" is the basic premise, and there will be a big sponsorship-like movement towards it, but the most important thing is not to wait for it to happen in order to be selected for it, but to keep showing people what you are willing to present to the world. You have to create a situation where you are already showing it on your own. Developing activities that make people think, "This person is interesting." Your daily achievements and their repercussions will speak for themselves on this new moon.
This is the same for professional athletes, artists and other personal activities in general, but the key is not to wait, but to seduce or show, and a third party's reaction is key, so the more flamboyant you are, the more you will attract attention. Acting humble out of embarrassment will maintain power relations in small societies, but now, at a stage when you need to show the outside world what you are newly doing, I recommend 'humble in attitude, bold in action'. Try to find a way to get yourself out there.

Let's talk about the affection side. There is a tailwind in affection. The frontage with active others who want to "get through", whether with an unspecified number of people or with a specific partner, remains open, and the desire to meld into one and the heart to accept is gathering in Pisces as a place of happiness, which is a major accent in the chart. The abundance of heart-to-heart communication. A night of feeling blessed.
As mentioned in the above discussion of investment, this is also a time when 'investment' is likely to be mentioned in dating situations and love-related situations, so some people may see some form of answer at this time, such as a lover offering to marry, or showing arrangements to live together in the form of 'house arrangements'. Love that can be seen in form. Couples with an age difference are more likely to develop this. A direct link between affluence and emotional bonding.

If the relationship has always been mainly led by one side, this is when the 'answer' arrives from the other side, rather than always being led by the leading side. A reversal of subjection, or rather, a time when you get an echo of what you have been doing.
This is not to say that tomorrow the housewife and the househusband will switch, but even if one of them is a good communicator, a relationship where there is no return is still unsettling. Gradually you get tired of that endlessness in time.
You can express your gratitude in words or in a form, find something that would suit the other person when you go out and offer it to him or her, or go shopping together for something the husband or wife has wanted. To the extent possible, try to support the other person's favourite world. Offer a thoughtful gesture of support. It does not matter what size or shape it is.
It is what you yourself can deliver now to the other person's wishes and the future you want.
If you have been dating for a long time and have been paying for dates for a long time, "I'll pay for it this time" or "Please let me buy you a drink today" can have a surprisingly big effect.

This is also a good opportunity to introduce new tools into the way communication between the two of you takes place. In terms of your life specifically, you may want to look back at reviewing and improving your transport and communication costs to come up with some good strategies. It's a pleasant season, so you can incorporate walking or cycling into your commuting plans. You could use a family treatment plan for your mobile phone, which will lower your communication costs and raise the temperature of your heart.
The stars also say that you don't have to take the same stance as before, that there must be something new and better to do, and that you will be enriched or satisfied by it.

Either way, it's a good fortune to invest and improve on what's important to both of you, so take advantage of this opportunity for a new future ✨ enjoyable days ahead.

May all the love, abundance and everything you need reach you✨.
