

Hey what’s up guys???
In my case, I felt so exhausted today cuz I walked more than 10km only for riding on attraction.
As I wrote today’s plan in yesterday’s diary, I went to USJ with my friends. What’s good things about this is today’s wether sooo good which is not too warm and cold. What’s not so good about this is that a lot of people visited and took much more time riding on attractions than as usual. Longest time we’ve waited for was almost more than 150 minutes. Generally speaking, it might be thought long time for waiting but I didn’t be a long time than I imagined. While waiting to take on attraction, we killed time by chatting about our future or something else. Cuz of that, 150 minutes feel like just 30 minutes.  Haha(^。^)
But we’ve just took on only 5 attractions all of them. I mean most of time I spend was for waiting time. Even though I spend these time, I had never thought just wast of our time since we are friends who could spend excellent moments. Don’t think these relationships mean friends???
As briefly, what I wanna say to you guys are our trip destination isn’t where we will go to. 👍👍
Instead of that, I think we should burden thoughts that  who will go to trip with you. Through today’s hanging out, I was made the plan changed and noticed how important making priority.
I could learn so many things from today.🫣
I really wanna appreciate them going to USJ with me💕

polished version

Hey guys how's it going ? ?
In my case, I walked more than 10km today just to ride the attractions, so I was very tired.
I went to USJ with my friends while writing today's schedule in yesterday's diary. It's not too hot and not too cold today, it's a very nice weather. What wasn't great was that many people went to the attractions and the driving took longer than usual. The longest wait we've had was almost 150+ minutes. In general, you might expect a long wait, but it wasn't as long as I expected. We spent time discussing our future and other things while waiting to enjoy the attractions. Because 150 minutes feels like 30 minutes. smile
However, we only challenged him on all five attractions. So we spent most of our time waiting. Even though I'm having this time, I've never felt like I'm wasting my time because I'm a friend with whom I can have a great time. Don't you think these relationships mean friends?
In short, I want to convey that our destination is not where we are going.
Instead, think about who you're traveling with. Hanging out today made me realize the importance of changing plans and prioritizing.
I learned a lot from today.
Thank you so much for coming to USJ with us.
