Article about my research

 Here, I will introduce my research in my laboratory. My research theme is hydrogen production by using photocatalyst. Have you heard photocatalyst? Do you know why hydrogen is needed? In this article, I will explain my research background. 
 What is photocatalyst? Photocatalyst is the substance which cause chemical reaction when light is irradiated to it. The kind of chemical reaction by photocatalyst is redox reaction. By using this redox reaction, we can produce hydrogen, disrupt organic matter, and generate current. Particular, I try to hydrogen production. 
 Next, why are we trying to produce hydrogen by photocatalyst? This is the reason because it is needed to produce clean energy as a substitution of fossil fuels. So, hydrogen is attractive energy from the viewpoint of global warming.
 It is overall reason which I am trying to my research. Thank you for reading my poor writing.