Ancient Japanese history part1

 From today, I would like to describe about ancient Japanese history. Today`s topic is how Japanese was formed. 180,000 years ago, humans exited from Africa continent. 38,000 years ago, humans reached at Japan Archipelago. At this time, Japan Archipelago was connected with Eurasia continent at three points which are Saharan, Korea, and Ryukyu. So, there are three ways to arrive in Japan. 10,000 years ago, due to global warming, sea surface went up and many islands sank. As a result, humans in Japan were left behind. However, this event leaded to distinctive evolution of culture and forming old Japanese people. Therefore, old Japanese people were mixed with people from both north and south. These people were called Jo-mon-jin. 
 Today`s topic is over. Thank you for my poor sentences. Next topic is new Japanese people. Look forward to my next article. See you.