
Pedophile Pence Interrogated at GITMO
Michael Baxter
December 4, 2024

Pedophile Pence Interrogated at GITMO | Real Raw News

Pedophile Michael Pence’s fascination with minors, particularly young males on the threshold of puberty, dates back to at least March 2003, when he, a freshman House representative, was suddenly exposed to and corrupted by associates who had extracurricular activities and who consumed an illicit substance that exacerbated an unquenchable thirst for nubile flesh, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

As reported Sunday, US Marines arrested Pence Thanksgiving night while he and an unnamed male consort were enjoying a late holiday meal. Charged with treason for certifying electoral votes for Biden in 2020 and with sexual crimes against minors, Pence the following day was flown to Guantanamo Bay and placed in pretrial confinement pending the outcome of a future military tribunal.

On Monday US Navy JAG investigators interrogated a trembling Pence despite, our source said, already having a plethora of circumstantial and physical evidence to prosecute him. One JAG source suggested that President Trump may have asked JAG to “aggressively question” Pence to determine the deplorable depth of his depravity.

Pence, the source said, folded under pressure when told the “Hang Mike Pence” chants that echoed across the Capitol on January 6 would soon see fruition unless he signed a written confession detailing his crimes against the Constitution. The investigators also demanded that he name every minor he had ever molested. Although Pence admitted he was a “recovering pedophile,” a sickness he ascribed to peer pressure and Adrenochrome injections, he said he hadn’t in over a decade molested a minor and now had sex only with adult males.

Adrenochrome, he said, not only made him crave same-sex relations but also induced “brain fog” and temporary amnesia, and that he often had no recollection of molesting kids, at least not until days later as the amnesia subsided. He described himself as a self-loathing homosexual who had taken a wife and had children to conceal his homosexuality from the public. He said homosexuality and Adrenochrome consumption were ubiquitous across the Deep State ecosphere.

Asked by investigators to quantify the children he had defiled, Pence said he couldn’t recall the number, reiterating he was “fixed” and hadn’t so much as fondled a kid in 10 years. The investigators challenged his claim, saying they had concrete proof Pence had sexually molested five children at the Indiana Governor’s mansion in 2015, one of whom put a pistol in his mouth after last meeting Pence in 2018. The four survivors, now adults, would testify against him at a military tribunal, Pence was told.

Pence’s defense: “One year, five years, ten years—the fact remains I am cured. I’m born-again, and my sins have been forgiven.”
“Not by us,” an investigator replied.

When the investigators segued the conversation to President Trump and J6, Pence insisted he had served Trump loyally until, in December 2020, Hillary Clinton threatened to have his wife and children murdered, and expose his pedophilia, if he didn’t abide by her agenda—certify the electoral votes for Biden.

“It might be of interest to you to know, if you don’t already, she was convicted of treason and executed six months after that, in April 2021. It’s quite possible you’ll be joining her soon,” an investigator said. “Unless you give us a reason to keep you alive.”
Our source said the investigators had no authority to strike a deal with Pence and were bluffing. “They still wanted answers to why Pence, when he got a second chance, ran back to the Deep State and how he got out of his ankle bracelet and Walter Reed.”

Pence accused the investigators of haranguing him, claiming he had no clue how, one night, he went to sleep in his hospital bed and awoke the following day in a dimly lit room surrounded by three men in dark suits and a bevy of Deep State personalities, including Antony Blinken, who, Pence recounted, told him, “You still work for us. You’ve always worked for us. You work for us or your family will never be safe.”
“I had no choice,” Pence told the investigators.

“You always had a choice, but you made the wrong one,” an investigator replied.
Our source said Pence will face a tribunal, though the date is uncertain because legendary Vice-Admiral Darse E. Crandall, who oversaw countless successful convictions, has officially retired.

“His successor or successors are being considered,” our source said. “He deserves his retirement, and Pence deserves, well, a rope.”
It’s unclear if Crandall’s official replacement, Vice-Adm. Christopher C. French, will himself oversee future tribunals, or delegate others to fulfill that role.







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