
Kamata station is the closest JR station from the Haneda airport

Kamata Station is the closest major station to Haneda Airport. Also, Keikyu Kamata Station is located about a 10-minute walk from Kamata Station.

There are so many shops, restaurants and hotels stand between Kamata Station and Keikyu Kamata Station. You can eat various kinds of Japanese food at low prices. I recommend ramen, gyoza (Chinese dumplings), and kaitenzushi (conveyor-belt sushi). Ramen is about 800 yen or about US$ 4.20. A plate of gyoza is about 400 yen or about US$ 2.60. Most conveyor-belt sushi is 110 yen per plate less than one dollar.

There is a 9-story shopping mall at Kamata Station, so you can do some shopping as well as eating.

If there is no traffic jam, it takes less than 15 minutes by cab from Kamata Station to Haneda Airport Terminal 3(International terminal). The fare is about 2,500 yen or US$ 18. There is also a shuttle bus service that leaves Kamata Station every 30 minutes. The fare is 280 yen or about US$ 1.90. A train leaves from Keikyu Kamata Station, and the fare is 250 yen or about US$ 1.75.

As you can see by searching, there are many hotels near Kamata Station, and many of them are inexpensive. Except for special circumstances, I don't think there is a hotel that costs more than 1,000 yen per night.

I think it is fun to spend time in a middle classed town.
