The Narrative Lives

I wrote an article that every girl has an ideal to encounter one prince who takes her away with a little sparkling. While such a dream, why can I say that boys do not have the one?

Of course, I can not. 
Admiring wonderful tales, they are waiting for the time.
Yes, the tales. People want their lives vivid by involving the supreme stories, despite the unchanging months.

It holds true for the case of boys, because the souls strive to cherish oneself.
It is sometimes artistic. It is sometimes triumph.

Stupidness uglyness, and often poverty, affects them badly.
Never does they be harmless without failure.

(Is this complex and fastidious writing always come from fool brain?)

So, I choose what I really want to. Whatever I CAN choose is not that one.

(Incidentally, I had to refuse myself, which means giving up the dream.)

And I must add this; "Men in the war of all against all". Objective ones are assumed as substances. I can not grasp people at all. I can not owe anyone.  

To be honest, many a mind of beautiful abound around me. How can I distingush them to hold only one? What is the core of them?

I frequent doubt that life is eventful. No body can change one's deed, thinking, and the past. We are constituted by such things. However I write papers I can never ever change myself into a brand-new style at all. 
