【 Native Camp 】SIDE by SIDE 4 page28-29


must have been daydreaming 空想にふけってたにちがいない / busiest intersection 交通の多い交差点 / fortunately 幸いにも / caused / He could have caused 彼は引き起こした可能性があります / big mean dog 大きな意地悪な犬  / bitten 噛まれた / extremely irritable 非常にイライラする / rude 乱暴 / She pointed out a mistake he had made 彼女は彼が犯した間違いを指摘した / brave 勇敢な / refused 拒否しました /  hand over 引き渡す / mug 強盗 / ran away 逃げ出した / financial problems 財政問題 / on time 定刻 / landlord 家主 / evicted 追い出された / distance 距離 / throughout the country 全国 / most of ほとんど / run up quite a big phone bill かなり大きな電話代がかかる / He made long - distance phone calls 彼は長距離電話をかけた / rarely めったに / sooner より早く biology 生物学 / 

Reading Check up
1.True.  because He must have been daydreaming
2.false. because He could have caused a terrible accident.
3.Maybe. because It's not written in this sentence.
4.True. because The dog didn't see her.
5.Maybe。Because It's not written in this sentence.
6.Maybe . Because it's not written in this sentence.
7.True. Because The man got scared and ran away.
8.Maybe. Because it's not written in this sentence.
10.False . Because landlord was very understanding.
11.True. Because He made long -distance phone calls to his friends
throughout the country.
12.Maybe. Because it's not written in this sentence.

Which Word is Correct?
1.Mr. and Mrs. Johnson didn't get to the train station on time. They should have left their house earlier.
2.Alan was late for work today. He must have overslept.
3.You're very lucky . You could have gotten hurt.
4.I couldn't have gone skiing with you anyway. I had to work
5.Susan was an hour late for the meeting this morning. 
She might have gotten stuck in traffic.
6.Arnold's cake tasted terrible. He should have taken it out of the oven sooner
7.I shouldn't have taken chemistry. I definitely  should have taken biology.
8.Janet wasn't paying attention. She must have been daydreaming.
9.My cousin Ronald shouldn't have swum to the other side of the lake. 
He must have drowned.
10. Roberta didn't come to the company picnic last Saturday. She may have forgotten about it.

How About you
I must have been crazy crazy to listen to music on ipod while I was driving the bicycle. I could have caused a terrible accident.
