
Tips to Get Rid of Hair Loss - Top hair care experts speak!

Men often ignore the early signs of hair loss and end up bald. Identifying the early signs of hair loss is not easy either since losing 100 strands every day is quite natural. That’s why we created this post to help people understand the causes behind hair loss and how to recover from it.

These tips to get rid of hair loss have been shared by top hair care and styling experts. So, pay attention if you don’t want to wear wigs for men in a couple of years!

Receding hairline

This is one of the major causes behind hair loss and it nowadays starts in the 20s. Triggered by hormonal changes, it mostly forms an M pattern in men and V pattern in women.

Below are the medications recommended by doctors to get rid of receding hairline:

1. Finasteride
2. Minoxidil

Always consult a doctor before using any medication whatsoever.

Aggressive hair shedding

We lose hair strands on a daily basis but if you notice a lot of hair on the pillow, comb and sink, it’s time to start thinking about how to stop hair fall. Our daily lifestyle has become one of the major reasons behind aggressive hair loss.

Below tips will help you get rid of aggressive hair shedding:

1. Stop drinking and smoking
2. Balance your daily diet
3. Massage your hair with coconut oil.

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Itchy scalp

Bacteria and fungi are popular reasons behind itchy scalp and the duo triggers hair loss as well if not checked on time. Below tips will help you get rid of hair loss caused by Itchy scalp:

1. Add a few drops of Chamomile oil to your shampoo while washing your hair.
2. Wash the infected area and dry the area before applying the cream.

Tips to stop lifestyle hair fall

The way we eat and live impacts our hair and makes them fragile. Below are some tips to check hair fall triggered by lifestyle problems:

1. Never use a comb on your wet hair
2. Rinse your hair with cold water
3. Massage your hair with essential oil
4. Avoid consuming alcohol and fast food
5. Try to stay stress-free

Final thoughts on hair fall

By following the right recovery steps, you can stop hair fall and trigger hair growth. The above tips will help you in getting rid of hair loss and fight baldness.

Want to know more? Read this detailed blog on early signs of hair loss. Drop your questions in the comments section to get a reply from top hair experts.
