
Fashion Tips & Grooming Ideas for Bald Guys To Slay 2020

Bald men often think that they have little options when it comes to fashion, styling and grooming but that’s not entirely true. Baldness can be fought head on with the right attitude and support.

In this post, Lordhair will share fashion, styling and grooming tips for bald men to give them a stunning look. Read on!

Grow a beard

Studies have revealed that women find bald head men more attractive with a beard. So, grow a beard that suits your face shape! To maintain a groomed beard, regularly visit your stylist and wash your beard with a mild shampoo and conditioner.

Bulk up

Have you ever seen bodybuilders flex during a competition? If yes, you must have noticed that bodybuilders with bald heads look more masculine as compared to others. Just upgrade your diet and hit the gym regularly to change your bald look into a fashion statement.

Wear sunglasses

Wear sunglasses that suit your personality. These will not only protect your eyes from sunlight, dust and heat but will also give you a stunning look. There is a wide range of shapes available in the market for men to help them look cool with their bald heads.

Get a tattoo or piercing

Tattoo and piercing can change your entire look since they are a major part of modern fashion. Get a tattoo to transform your boring bald look into a modern and trendy one. Get at least one piercing to compliment your bald look.

Wear the right clothes

Dressing changes your entire personality. Take clothing advice from your friends who have fashion sense or visit a stylist to pick the right clothes. Putting on the right attire will compliment your bald look. In addition, it will boost your confidence.

Congratulations, you are now familiar with the easiest ways to get the perfect bald look! If you hate being bald, we suggest wearing a hair system for men.

Invest in a hairpiece

The easiest way to get rid of baldness is to wear a hairpiece. Modern hair systems have become quite popular due to their customizability and affordability.

At Lordhair, we create quality hair systems for men and ship them to over 100 countries. Visit our website to check out the full catalog of stock and custom hair systems or email at support@lordhair.com for queries.
