
Attention to appearance is for respecting and considering others.

Your cleanliness is maintained for the sake of others.
This warm consideration of your surroundings will bring about grace in your character.

Putting on makeup may be for yourself as way of self-expression, but grooming should be thought of as a way to keep others comfortable.

When you wake up in the morning, you wash your face, and brush your teeth.
You put on fresh clothes and realign your bedsheets.
By conducting these activities of self-care, you are purifying your physical self as well as your mind and soul.

They are each Zen trainings to elevate and purify yourself and to maintain utmost respect for your surroundings.

Zen monasteries have set "Sahou" rules or manners to uphold and it can be difficult for new monks to acclimate.
Because they come from so many different walks of life, these rules may not be familiar or comfortable for them at first, but by continuing to do very precise and particular activities each day, the monks become more elegant.
These rules and manners are specifically designed to bring your thoughts back to the present and live for the moment.
You're able to meditate and focus on your own heart and abilities without harming others.
