
You are "The only flower in the world"~ Blooming in secret

In the workplace, no one talk to me,
no one paying attention to me.

I care too much and it's exhausting.
Days when they choose to be alone.

Afraid of people.

潜行密用 (senkohmitsuyoh)
Like a fool, Like a dullard.

Do what you need to do diligently,
and continue to do it with single-minded
devotion and dedication, without showing off.

It may seem foolish and dullard to do so.

These are words that greatly encouraged me
during my training period.

It's not about receiving evaluations from others,
being recognized or praised, appearing in public,
or drawing someone's attention.

It's about quietly, seemingly foolishly,
steadfastly practicing and adhering
to one's own principles of training.

The evolution of things happening
within oneself, the process of self-illumination,
is not something to be evaluated by others.
That's the point.

I am neither outstanding nor praised by others,
and I don't have any particular role.

I wonder what I am supposed to be.

Many people think about such things.

When we are alive, working in society,
we are not meant to be constantly noticed,
evaluated, or praised.

Some companies may create mechanisms
that stroke one's self-esteem,
saying, 'Thank you for being here;
the company thrives because of you,'
and encourage their employees
to raise the company's performance.

However, fundamentally, within such mechanisms,
all the people working are like unsung heroes.

Let's look at our bodies.
From waking up in the morning, eating,
going to school or work,
feeling hungry again at lunch, eating,
returning home at night, and sleeping
Throughout a day of living, our bodies,
as an organization,
take in the food consumed into the mouth,
digest it in the stomach, absorb nutrients
in the intestines, and excrete the remnants.
The absorbed nutrients are delivered as cells
or undergo metabolism.

Oxygen is taken in from the outside,
used as energy, and various activities take place.

Our body consists of an estimated 60 trillion cells,
numerous organs, and many working muscles.

Appreciating all these functions and
'You are doing a wonderful job, thank you very much,'
is not something we do.

Nevertheless, they perform their roles properly.

In our lives, the air, the atmosphere
that is essential for us, is never appreciated.
We only recognize its importance
when it becomes thin.

Everything in this world exists as an organization.
We are also just one part of an organization.

In the system of the universe,
within the Earth's cycle,
we are like dust particles.

Only humans think about themselves,
wondering what their existence is,
what they are doing here,
and what they should do.

Many people question their own existence,
thinking they are insignificant
and wondering if their lives have any meaning.

Being ignored by others is tough for humans,
but not being praised or scolded
by anyone is also normal.
When we are performing our roles adequately,
nobody pays attention.

People feel uneasy
when they are not in the spotlight somewhere.

In an organization, not being seen,
not being spoken to, and not being noticed
by anyone can be scary.

Perhaps the fear stems from the assumption
that one should naturally be noticed.

This is not a special emotion;
it is a very reasonable feeling.
Normally, no one is noticed by everyone.
This is the default setting, the truth of existence.

Those who love what they do,
who enjoy doing what they want, are happy.

In that case, enduring 潜行密用(senkohmitsuyoh)
becomes necessary.

Continuing 潜行密用, there may come a time
when one is not recognized by anyone.
Including such a possibility,
one continues training oneself,
adhering to principles, and believing in
oneself wholeheartedly.

If there is something that opens up ahead,
it will surely be there.

Wanting to be in the spotlight,
not knowing when one will bloom,
and perhaps never sprouting – in this lonely battle,
one absorbs various experiences and knowledge.

Like a fool, Like a dullard.

Staying true to these, there may be a future
where one maintains or strengthens the spotlight
that someone else has cast.
A future where one fully commits
to being in the background may also exist.

Both roles are essential,
contributing to the functioning of society.

What can be done now is to be there
and earnestly do what needs to be done.

Regardless of what future unfolds,
no resentment will be held.

Whichever way it turns, it will be fine.
A future that can be regarded
as good will always be waiting.

The value of a human being is
determined by what we do when others are not looking.
Instead of being happy or sad at the evaluations of others
Live honestly according to your own beliefs and true feelings
The future you desire is only ahead of you
("How to Let Go of Suffering"  by Taigu Gensyo)
