
Will bad people be punished someday?

They hurt people,
not realizing they are doing so,
always thinking they are right,
and it is a kind of pride.

Does not the Buddha punish them?

Will such species go
unpunished and continue to live
as they please until they die?

"Letting Go of Suffering"

This is the title of the first book
I released as a priest.

Is not something given by someone else,
But because we continue to hold onto attachments within our own hearts.

If we release them, we will be at ease,
Yet, letting go is not easy.

Like keeping meat emitting a foul odor in the refrigerator,
"It's smelly,"
"It's disgusting,"
It is being stored carefully.
It should be discarded, but it is cherished.

Inside our hearts,
We tightly hold onto feelings that become burdens,
Even though we should let go,
We hold onto them earnestly.

In Buddhism, the mind is perceived as a container,
This container's various elements are melting.

If the melted components lean towards evil,
Our minds incline towards an evil heart.

With this evil heart,
Our thoughts,
The words that come out of our mouths are filled with malice,
And our actions become evil.

On the other hand,
If the melted components lean towards good, Our minds incline towards a good heart.

With this good heart, Our thoughts, The words that come out of our mouths are filled with goodwill, And our actions become good.

In the world, There are various kinds of people.

Hating, despising those who do not suit oneself,

If the melted components in the heart lean towards these evils, Angry words emerge.

"I don't want to become such a person, I want to become a good person."

This desire might be causing a bias towards evil.

When not conscious of morality, Morality is not a concern. But when you become aware of moral values, Suddenly, immoral things become irritating.

For example, Nonchalantly throwing trash in public places is not good.

If you strongly hold such values, Seeing someone litter in public becomes intolerable.
Even though I picked up and cleaned the trash, Someone who litters is considered an outrageous person, Anger arises.
"I want to become a good person, I must be a good person."
The stronger this desire, the more you resist those who are not like that.
When the nature you are desperately trying to let go of is seen by others, Anger arises.
What you want to gain, what you want to let go of, If you have too strong an attachment, It creates the next anger for yourself.
"I don't want to be such a person. I must be this kind of person."
Thinking strongly, Pretending and enduring somewhere, Struggling, While that person behaves carelessly, It's unforgivable, Hating, despising,
Ultimately, you're angry.
Inside yourself, Creating suffering,
You should let it go,
Yet, you hold onto it earnestly.
"It has to be like this,"
This attachment becomes suffering.
"I want to be this kind of person, I want to exist like this."
Just be conscious of it.
Shakyamuni Buddha asked,
[Why does he not punish those people?]
Shakyamuni Buddha said,
"All humans are equal."
Equal in what?
"In foolishness,"
They are equal.
