
Try not to kill a mosquito.

Do you want to be harmed?
Do you want to be killed?

The person sitting right next to you doesn't want to be harmed.
And the tiny little creature just alighted on your arm, doesn't want be killed.

Every creature loves themselves. I love myself, too.
No one wants to be harmed and no one wants to be killed.

The Buddhist precepts are originally called Sila.
It means "try not to" or "abstain from".
So try not to kill. Try not to steal. Try not to tell a lie.

But why should we try not to kill?

It's not just for the Poor mosquito you hit, but for yourself.

The moment you hit the mosquito, the moment you kill the mosquito, something grows inside of you.

It soils the purity of your heart.
And this leads to your own corruption.

With one slap of the mosquito, you're wiring your brain to think if you don't like something, you can kill it.

With every mosquito you kill, this toxic path in your brain, your neural network thickens.

We believe we can harm others if we believe it's for our survival.

But this is the illusion created by the ego.

Since we love ourselves, the most important things is me.
Love me. Look at me. Care about me.
Wherever you are...Whatever you're doing...
Whoever you live with...
The top priority is always me.

Our great teacher Buddha, taught us, try not to kill.
And try to intentionally develop compassion.

Having compassion is not easy.
Because to have compassion, we need wisdom.

Wisdom means to see, observe, and understand reality.
To develop wisdom, we need to understand the reality of this world.

Do you know which species has caused the highest number of human deaths?

It is the mosquito.

Mosquito can cause Dengue fever or malaria. So we should very careful then.

Do you know why mosquitoes suck our blood?

They usually take sap from plants and flowers.
But there is a time they need to take blood from animals.
During this time, they need protein.
It's a time of pregnancy.

So by getting close to you, they are risking their lives.
They have to risk their lives for their expected babies.

So all the mosquitoes that suck our blood are actually mothers.

If you have wisdom to see reality, you can have compassion even for mosquito.

You don't have to like them, but have compassion for them.

In this reality, sometimes it is necessary to take the life of another species.
Because like the mosquito, we also need nutrients to survive.

But because we cannot live without receiving nutrition from plants and animals, we have all the more reason to develop our compassion.

So discipline yourself not to kill.
