Linton Quadros - Investment and Business Experience

Linton Quadros - Investment and Business Experience

1. Ivy League Professor

During his time at Stanford University, Linton Quadros earned his first million dollars in the stock and futures markets, achieving fame at a young age. While many of his peers were seeking jobs, he was already living a low-profile investment life and traveling the world for learning. Due to his fame at that time, he was honored by the Ivy League as the youngest “Professor Quadros”.

Unlike most, Linton Quadros’s path to success was unique, he achieved great heights at a young age and focused on furthering his education, rarely appearing in public or corporate events.

2. Honors and Crisis

While studying abroad, Linton Quadros pursued a master’s degree in computer science at the University of Munich. He started building his programmatic trading models, achieving success and later establishing his investment research team in emerging markets.

In 2005, he was named “Emerging Market Stock Fund Manager of the Year” by International Money Market Magazine, and the Templeton Fund he led was awarded “Best Global Emerging Market Fund.”

During the 2008 global financial crisis, Linton Quadros went through a crucial phase in his life. As a stock market bull, he faced significant setbacks but overcame them with guidance from his mentors, resilience, and strong mental fortitude, reaching a career peak.

3. From Investor to Mentor

After years of ups and downs in the investment market, Linton Quadros sought to consolidate his investment philosophy and trading skills, focusing on quantitative trading. To give back to his mentors and friends and driven by the desire to teach, he founded the Excellence & Innovation Fortune Business School (EIF Business School) at the age of 43 in 2011, along with his friends.

Adhering to the educational principles of ‘students interests first’ and ‘practical experience as the best teaching method,’ EIF Business School has maintained steady growth, currently having students from over ten countries, exceeding 100,000 in number.

4. Rise of the Business Empire

In the early days of EIF Business School, Professor Linton Quadros attempted to create a “Lazy Investor System,” realizing early on the significant future implications of quantitative trading across all investment markets and types.

With technological advancements, the application of artificial intelligence in quantitative trading has had a profound impact. Quantitative trading, which uses mathematical models and extensive historical data for investment decisions, has become more precise, efficient, and intelligent with the introduction of AI.

Since 2018, EIF Business School has transitioned from quantitative to AI trading. With the efforts of numerous experts, academics, and tech talents, the prototype of ‘AI Robotics Profit 4.0’ was created.

As technology evolved, bringing greater challenges, EIF Business School issued EIF tokens to finance ‘AI Robotics Profit 4.0,’ securing more research funding and professional talents.

The success of EIF tokens and AI Robotics Profit 4.0 led to a soaring valuation of EIF Business School, propelling Linton Quadros to new heights in his career. He declared his ambition to make AI Robotics Profit 4.0 a revolutionary investment tool in the investment world!
