



Diary of a Christian: Learning the Lesson of Obedience

Friday, January 5, 2018 Sunny

Today was a day I’ll never forget. The person in charge told me that the church urgently needed a sister to perform hosting duties and asked if I’d be willing. When I he


A Catholic’s Story: Learning How to Distinguish the False Way From the True Way, My Reunion With God(Part 2)

How to Determine the True Way (2)

Brother Liu continued his fellowship, saying, “The second principle in determining the true way is to see if this way has truth. If it has truth, it should be able t


A Catholic’s Story: Learning How to Distinguish the False Way From the True Way, My Reunion With God

By Xinkao, United States

Editor’s Note: I’m sure many Catholics have observed how unorthodox practices within the church occur with ever increasing frequency, parishioners seem weak in their faith an


Will the Rapture Be Instantaneous When Jesus Returns?

By Huan Bao

Editor’s Note: Many brothers and sisters believe that when the Lord returns, we’ll instantaneously change into another form and be raptured into the kingdom of heaven, but is that idea in
