
IELTS part 2 Speakingの回答例(favorite weather)

【IELTS speaking Part2 英語スクリプト】

To be perfectly honest, the weather is not something I’ve really given that much thought to.

I don’t really have a preference but if I had to pick a favorite, 
then I guess it would be a mild spring day – neither too hot nor too cold.

In Japan, spring generally starts in March and ends before June depending on where you are in Japan of course, and in Spring, I feel like everything is waking up. 
I feel re-energized and more positive and optimistic.

The winter is not too harsh in my country, however, there is a lack of color and the flowers, trees and such like tend to die off during this colder periods so when spring comes round they all come back to life. 
That’s why I feel re-energized and I like spring I guess. 
When spring comes, I go out for walks and do the stuff that I wasn't able to do over winter.

Spring in Japan is the season when school starts and also the time for cherry blossom viewing, so people, including myself, often walk outside. I suppose many people take on new challenges because of the image of spring as a time to take on something new. 

Don’t get me wrong, it can be either freezing at this time or scorching hot, again, depending on where you live in Japan, but there are certain days when there is not a cloud in the sky and the sun is shining and that just gives me a spring in my step. 

【IELTS speaking Part2 日本語スクリプト】








①neither too hot nor too cold.
②they all come back to life.
= みんな生き返る・元気に戻る。
 ③gives me a spring in my step.
