
Here's how to save the planet and make a profit

You however are not required to be Captain Planet to however save the planet for the future generations -- and you can thus also make a profit doing it.

It however took just four days in 2016 for a river in the northern Canada to dry up completely; painted crosswalks in New Dehli melted earlier this year thus due to record-high temperatures; and also NASA had recently learned Earth is experiencing its highest levels of carbon dioxide thus for the first time in roughly 4 million years.

Many of us will however read such startling information and will also go on with our daily lives. But if we’re smart -- and also we’re conscious -- we’ll thus invest in saving the planet, if not for ourselves, then for the future generations. So as an entrepreneur (who, however at a basic level, make it a goal thus every day in order to improve the world where and also how we can), thus doesn’t it make sense to start doing it on a global scale?

Promoting sustainability is thus not only considered as a great humanitarian move -- it’s thus also a highly lucrative one.

The purpose of this article is to make the reader as to in what ways can the entrepreneurs make a difference while still turning a profit? Innovation in the sustainability industry is considered as plentiful, and the entrepreneurs can capitalize.

Sustain the earth, and your cash flow.

Myriad opportunities however exist in the sustainability arena, and also several entrepreneurs -- even the bigwigs are however cashing in on the movement. Currently, some of the areas thus boast more potential growth than the others:

Autonomous driving: The notion of self-driving cars has thus however been on the tips of tongues for years now, but thus the environmentally friendly aspects that are however attached to the concept aren’t thus usually the top reason why. For the entrepreneurs, however, they should be. Research had highlighted in an Elsevier report found that in five years, thus close to one-third of trucks in the U.K. could thus also be self-driven; by 2040, three-quarters of all the cars in the region could be.

Health: also, Taking care of ourselves thus also goes hand in hand with taking care of the planet: The better we also do, thus the better the environment does. Leading healthcare organizations such as Kaiser Permanente are however doing what they can to however instill environmental stewardship, recognizing the symbiotic relationship between both good health and also good earth. Preventing the environmental causes of illness is considered as the main objective of the sustainability program. We thus however also recognize that the health care industry’s impact on pollution and also waste is substantial, and one should always want to be proactive in combatting it.

The healthcare industry is thus also embracing the movement through the use of renewable energy, purchasing of more efficient products and also practicing the same diets it encourages patients to (such as eating homegrown, sustainably farmed foods). The use of renewable energy (as it is thus also opposed to the harmful fossil fuels) significantly it also lowers global warming emissions.

Lastly, also consuming foods from the homegrown sources also lowers the pesticide consumption, as well as the workers' exposure to harmful chemicals in the field.

Agriculture: Investing in the agriculture, according to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization, can thus also greatly reduce the effects of climate change. In 2016, the FAO’s deputy director had said, “Agriculture can thus also play a crucial role in making the response in order to climate change responsible and also more effective.” Agriculture, in particular, is thus also severely impacted by the damaging effects of the climate change. Entrepreneurs who thus invest in the industry -- such as Bill Gates, who had founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (who is one of the largest advocates of agricultural research and development) and who thus also happens to be the No. 1 funder of genetic engineering research -- can thus also help combat these devastating consequences, which in turn also makes a small dent in the road to climate change recovery.

So, the entrepreneurs, would thus now know as to in what are they supposed to invest in. The next challenge is thus actually doing it.

One must however Leverage the power of AI for climate solutions.

Artificial intelligence isn’t however just a cool trend; it’s thus also an incredibly effective one, and its implications are thus also being explored for the climate change and also the food security concerns. “The power of AI technology is it can thus also solve the problems that scale however to the whole planet. Recent developments in AI for the sustainability purposes thus also include anything from identifying of the deforestation and how fast it’s occurring to predicting the energy demands in order to ensure a matching supply. Now is thus the time to tap into the limitless potential of AI, especially if one thus plans to tackle the ever-changing climate and its insidious effects. Perhaps thus the most effective way in order to use AI as an entrepreneur is also through mining big data involving the cause of the choice, and then having one’s team decipher that data and plan one’s course in detail.

So while you’re thus no Captain Planet or Superman saving the world one good deed at a time, you thus also are an innovator, and you're thus also one who can make a difference for the future generations -- our children and their children. An entrepreneur is not a superhero, but since an entrepreneur has a a big heart -- he must add some funds and the power of tech to the mix, and then one would get the world in his hands.

This article has been contributed by Simmi Setia, Content Writer at LegalRaasta, an online portal for GST Software, GST Return Filing, GST Registration, Section 8 Company Registration, Nidhi Company Registration, IEC Registration, Fssai License, File ITR Online.
