AudiiSion EP ~ イヤホン、ヘッドホン、ネックバンド・スピーカーにおける頭内定位を解消し自然なリスニング体験を実現(2024/07/25版 ヘッドフォン祭向け)




Audiision Sound Lab.社、AudiiSion EP、AudiiSion SPにご興味のある方は、info-asl@audiision.comまでお問い合わせください。

This is a unique signal processing technology that eliminates the unique sound field (in-head localization) when listening to earphones and headphones and reproduces a natural, three-dimensional acoustic space. The source can be immersive or regular stereo.

The same settings can be used with various types of earphones, headphones, neckband speakers, etc. to achieve the same effect. Optimization for individual products is also possible.

The amount of calculation is around 10MIPS for fixed point, and the latency is about 0.02ms. It is characterized by light processing and minimal individual differences in effects and sound quality.

If you are interested in Audiision Sound Lab., AudiiSion EP, or AudiiSion SP, please contact us at
