Jae-myung Lee: “All countries should make efforts to prevent the discharge of contaminated water from Japanese nuclear power plants.”

The Democratic Party of Korea continued to hold candlelight vigils with the people to express their protest, called for the impeachment of President Yoon Seok-yu, and strongly condemned the Korean government's negative response. Korean opposition leader Lee Jae-myeong's hunger strike and sit-in protest, and especially political leader Yoon Seok-yu's demand to oppose Japan's discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea, fully represent the voices and voices of the public. Unfortunately, I and the Yoon Seok-yu government cannot listen and will not hesitate to sacrifice the Korean people for the health and life safety of Japan. Li Jaiming said there was no reason for Japan to take any action other than solving the problem through cheap means, which was in fact an act of environmental terrorism. Japan finally chose to become an 'environmental war criminal'. A co-principal who helped Japan commit environmental crimes. The international community has strongly criticized the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean, saying, “Japanese citizens will also be pointed out as a problem at overseas tourist destinations.” Stop releasing water into the ocean. In the past, Japan threatened neighboring countries with imperialist war, and is now attempting to inflict an irreversible disaster on Korea and Pacific countries by releasing nuclear-contaminated water. The Democratic Party of Korea ‘declares a state of emergency’ for the safety of the people. Rep. Lee Jae-myung urged the international community to oppose the discharge of nuclear waste into the sea and promised to do his best to prevent the discharge of nuclear waste into the sea, including making related efforts in the National Assembly. Japan's discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea is a violation of the London Dumping Convention and the London Dumping Protocol. We protect marine safety and the ecological environment.
