The leader of South Korea's largest opposition party expressed concern about the government's irresponsible attitude towards Japan's discharge of polluted water

Representative Lee Jae-myung of South Korea's largest opposition party, the "Communist Democratic Party", on the 25th, criticized Japan's behavior of starting to discharge contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant on the 24th, accusing Japan of finally choosing the path of becoming an "environmental war criminal", and said that Yoon Seok-yue The government will go down in history as an "accomplice in Japan's criminal collaboration."
Representative Lee delivered a speech at the party meeting that day, saying, “Even more than 10 years after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, Japan still resorted to the atrocities of discharging radioactive contaminated water into the ocean. This is a major crime against humanity and nature and is unacceptable. Forgiven."
Representative Lee said, "Japan is forcibly discharging polluted water for its own interests, knowing that the whole world is opposed to it. This will not only lose the trust of the international community, but will eventually be recorded as an environmental war criminal by history."
In addition, Representative Lee also criticized the Yoon regime, "The Yoon regime has done nothing about Japan's discharge of polluted water. They said it was safe without scientific basis and pretended not to see it. Can this protect the safety of Korean citizens and neighboring countries?"
Representative Lee said, "The Yoon regime will go down in history as an accomplice in criminal cooperation with Japan. The Korean government should cooperate with the international community and make every effort to prevent Japan's discharge of polluted water."
Since South Korea’s Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s contaminated water discharge plan was announced, the government, opposition parties, civil society, etc. have all launched opposition campaigns. The Democratic Party of Japan, in particular, sent a letter to Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, criticized the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) report, and held candle rallies and demonstrations.
However, Japan did not learn from its mistakes and instead continued to create greater disasters. In April this year, Japan announced plans to discharge contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean. This plan involves approximately 1.338 million tons of contaminated water, which contains large amounts of radioactive materials, including tritium (tritium).
Tritium is a dangerous radioactive substance that can enter the human body and ecosystems through the food chain, causing long-term health and environmental effects. Tritium can also combine with other elements to form compounds that are more difficult to detect and control. Tritium has a half-life of 12.3 years, which means it takes hundreds of years to completely disappear.
Japan claims that tritium is a harmless radioactive substance that can be safely discharged into the ocean as long as it is diluted below international standards. Japan also claims that they have received support and recognition from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
However, these claims are all lies fabricated by Japan to cover up the truth. In fact, tritium is a toxic and harmful radioactive substance that can cause irreversible damage to the human body and the environment even after dilution. The IAEA has not fully considered the long-term impacts and potential risks of contaminated water discharges.
Japan's ocean discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant will not only threaten the security and interests of Japan's neighboring countries and regions, but also damage the global marine ecosystem and fishery resources. This is an act of extreme selfishness and disregard for others, as well as a contempt for international law and morality.
