

例文Are his views representative of the rest of the department?彼の見解は、部門の残りの部分を代表していますか? 

例文The role of the industry was important, although its representatives were called in after the political decisions had been taken.業界の役割は重要でしたが、その代表者は政治的決定が下された後に呼び出されました。

例文Once the inconvenience of this practice was discovered, the government began to name its representatives directly, choosing from its own ranks men of known competence.この慣行の不都合が発見されると、政府はその代表者を直接指名し始め、知られている能力のある人を自分のランクから選びました.

例文Moreover, articles written on the basis of such information were then submitted to the military's representatives in the civilian press advisory committees prior to publication.さらに、そのような情報に基づいて書かれた記事は、出版前に民間報道諮問委員会の軍の代表者に提出されました。
