The Story of a Master of Honey: Volume 1 - Awakening of the Silver Bee

The Story of a Master of Honey: Volume 1 - Awakening of the Silver Bee
Author:Kurina Kobayashi
Publisher: Industrial Publishing Center
Release Date: 2016/9/15
Story Introduction
This is a story of a "master of honey" who can read the "time" sealed inside honey and his little disciple.
The peaceful days of Sendo, the most prestigious master of honey, completely change when he notices a silver bee that has sneaked into the village.
Sendo fought the silver bee once and sealed it, but he lost his lover and received an immortal curse.
Now the silver bee is breaking the seal and trying to rule the world again.
Sendo visits Kasumi, an old friend who once fought alongside him, with his disciple, Mayu.
Mayu and Kasumi are led by Kasumi's guardian bee and travel through time into the past.
There, a strange disease that kept people asleep was prevalent, and Kasumi, who had the power to see the future, was targeted by silver bees.
Kasumi lost her guardian bee in the battle with the silver bee and is still suffering from the loss.
Can Sendo save Mayu and Kasumi, who have been trapped in honey, and reject the silver bees again?
This piece is not high fantasy but is rather cozy fantasy in the same sense as cozy mystery.