About Makoto Shinkai 新海誠



Today, I'm going to write about Makoto Shinkai. Do you know him? He's a famous animator in Japan.

His most well-known movie is Your Name, which made him famous all over the world. I didn't know about Shinkai before seeing this movie, though I'd heard of Hayao Miyazaki.

Shinkai's characteristic approach is to create picturess that are like photos, which are very beautiful. Of course, the stories his movies tell are also very nice. His artwork gives poetic expression to the story, which is really cool.

I like the movie Your Name, which was released in 2016. The movie is about a boy living in Tokyo and a girl living in the mountains of Hida who meet across time and space. Their encounter is very romantic, and the story is amazing and wonderful.

The movie that Shinkai made before Your Name is Garden of Words. This movie has beautiful words, as the title suggests, and of cousrse the drawings are beautiful as well. The main setting of the movie is Shinjuku Gyoen in Tokyo, which is a park that's well known in Japan for its beauty. I've been there and think it's a very large, relaxing, and beautiful park. The movie depicts the interaction between a high school  boy who wants to become a shoemaker and a society woman, and rain is key to the story. Watching this movie made me love rainy days, and now I feel romantic when it rains.

Shinkai's beautiful style of animation is self taught, not something he learned at art school, which is amazing. His self-produced films released were what first brought him into the spotlight as an animator in 2002.

I have two books of Shinkai's beautiful drawings. I understand how he sees the world when I look at his drawings. His artwork has made me realize that the world is so beautiful, and that everything I see is important.

Tomorrow, I'm going to go see the movie Weathering with You, which is Shinkai's latest film, and Your Name. I'm looking forward to watching them.

