
About Me

I’m starting this first ’note’ article, with a bit of nervousness. First of all, I would like to write about myself.

Encounter with Buddhism

I encountered Buddhism when I was 19 years old, while studying at a Christian university. Until then, I had little connection with religion, and the only opportunities I had to encounter it were funerals and grave visits. I had no knowledge whatsoever.

In such a state, by a certain coincidence, I met a monk who taught me about Buddhism. For someone as ignorant as me, this person explained Buddhism in simple and understandable words, without using specialized terminology, tailored to my background in the study of psychology. It was so impressive that it overshadowed the 'academic' knowledge I was acquiring at university.

At that time, my image of religion was limited to 'praying to gods and Buddhas,' but the Buddhism this monk spoke of was a broad and profound philosophy that encompassed the depths of the human mind from a higher perspective that takes the world as a whole in consideration. The words left behind by Buddha resonated not in my mind, but in the deepest part of my heart, leaving me speechless with a sensation I had never experienced before.

This is my life's work!

Without a clear direction for my future, I was studying psychology with the vague desire to 'help people become happy.' However, after this encounter with the monk, I became completely captivated by Buddhism.

While Buddhism has a vast number of scriptures, more than any other religion, I learned that they are summarized in the Threefold Lotus Sutra. So I decided to start learning Buddhism focusing on the Threefold  Lotus Sutra. Eventually, it became my life's work.

Life is a mysterious thing, and at one point, I got the opportunity to publish an explanatory book on the Threefold Lotus Sutra. Although I was still young and inexperienced, I felt it was a meaningful challenge  that came my way, and I decided to take it on. Though it may be crude, I believe I have managed to outline the main points to some extent based on my own interpretation.

However, since it was a publication at a stage where my understanding was still shallow, there were many aspects that I couldn't express fully. Therefore, using this 'note', I would like to challenge myself to express those aspects which I couldn't fully convey back then using simple and easily understandable language, and to relate them to everyday life experiences. By doing so, I hope that even those who feel distant from religion, like my past self, can understand that what Buddhism teaches is "relevant to their own lives." I hope they can experience a sensation which shakes the depths of their hearts and makes them feel that their lives have become richer. If that happens, my life will have meaning, and I may be able to rest peacefully in the afterlife... That is the hope I hold.

What is Religion?

It has been over 30 years since I encountered Buddhism. I am still an immature practitioner, but what I am certain of now is that religion is something that can answer the fundamental question:

'Where do humans come from, and where do they go?'

Conversely, teachings that cannot answer this question cannot be considered as religion.

This question regarding the human existence has troubled many people as an intellectual dilemma since ancient times, and people with aspirations have dedicated their lives to pursuing the answer. Learning from the examples of our predecessors, it seems that the answer cannot be intellectually obtained like an academic discipline; it appears to be attained experientially within one's own heart. The moment when one experientially attains an "aha" moment and achieves enlightenment is what is called "satori." The precursor of this enlightenment is a person known as "Shakyamuni," or the historical Buddha.

Humans are destined to die. I hope to be able to face the end of life with a deep sense of acceptance. I would be grateful if, through this platform called 'note', we can learn and walk together, sharing our experiences. Thank you very much.
