

Setsubun is a traditional Japanese event that typically takes place on February 3rd. While it is not the beginning of the new year in the solar calendar, Setsubun marks the transition from winter to spring in the lunar calendar. One of the most notable customs during Setsubun is the ritual of "mamemaki," where roasted soybeans are thrown to drive away evil spirits and invite good fortune into the home. People often chant "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" (鬼は外!福は内!), which means "Out with the demons! In with good luck!" It is believed that this ceremony helps ward off misfortune and brings about a positive start to the new season. Setsubun is a festive occasion celebrated with various traditions and activities, contributing to a sense of renewal and anticipation for the coming spring.

太陽暦では新年の始まりではないが、旧暦では冬から春への変わり目となる。節分に行われる風習で最も有名なもののひとつが、炒った大豆を投げて邪気を祓い、福を招き入れる「豆まき」である。鬼は外。福は内!鬼は外!福は内!」とよく唱える。(鬼は外!福は内!」と唱える!鬼は外!福は内!」という意味である。鬼は外!福は内!」鬼は外!福は内!)鬼は外!福は内!鬼は外!福は内!鬼は外!福は内!鬼は外!福は内 節分は、様々な伝統や行事で祝われるおめでたい行事であり、春を待ち望み、新たな気持ちになるものである。


Setsubun is an annual Japanese event celebrated on February 3rd, symbolizing the transition from winter to spring in the lunar calendar. While it does not mark the beginning of the new year in the solar calendar, it holds cultural significance. The term "Setsubun" itself translates to "seasonal division," emphasizing the seasonal shift.
One of the central customs during Setsubun is the practice of "mamemaki," or bean-throwing. This ritual involves tossing roasted soybeans both inside and outside the home to ward off evil spirits and welcome good fortune. Participants often shout "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!" (鬼は外!福は内!), which means "Out with the demons! In with good luck!" The act of throwing beans is believed to purify the home and chase away misfortune, creating an auspicious atmosphere for the coming season.
Setsubun is deeply rooted in Japanese folklore, and the concept of driving away evil spirits aligns with the belief that the change in seasons can bring about spiritual renewal. Families may also participate in other customs during Setsubun, such as eating a specific number of beans corresponding to their age for good luck.
Overall, Setsubun is a festive occasion that blends cultural, spiritual, and seasonal elements, contributing to a sense of renewal, hope, and positive energy as Japan prepares for the arrival of spring.
