
熟語のまとめ / at / 対象 顔系、その他


今回はこちらの続きです。対象に関する熟語(顔系、その他)を見ていきましょう!見る系 → 見るから顔!って考えましょう!

1 beam at

ex. The child beamed at his teacher as he received the award.

beam at「~ににこやかにほほえむ」/ beamは普通に「ビーム」の意味もあります。

2 frown at

ex. Don't frown at me like that.

frown at「~に眉をひそめる」/ In spite of our compliments, he frowned and turned away. He was so rude!

3 laugh at

ex. They laughed at her jokes.

laugh at「~を笑う」/ こちらは中学で習うものですね!

4 smile at

ex. He tried to smile at her.

smile at「~にほほえみかける」/ smile も「at」を使うんですね

5 nod at

ex. 'Ready?' She nodded at me and we set off.

nod at「~にうなずく」/ nodの過去形は「d」が2つ。

6 at the thought of

ex. He cheered up at the thought of going home.

at the thought of「~を考えて」/ at the sight of と同じ形ですね。

7 fail at

ex. One of the engines failed at 30,000 feet.

fail at「~に失敗する」/ 
