oshima story (3)

Life in Brighton

As Oshima heard somebody was knocking at the door tinted green , she opened . Tatsuko stood in front of the entrance with slight smile . She showed her in the foyer

Oshima   " Tatsuko !  How are you ?  What happened ? "

Tatsuko   " I am fine . I just want to see you again ."

After introducing her to the landlord , Oshima led to her room which was about big enough for a single woman , with a skinny white bed , rather smaller brown coffee table for study and wooden old-fashioned wardrobe. Opening the bulky curtain , there was a little green back garden with partition made of bricks , waist-high. Oshima liked to dry her washing in a jolly good weather here.

Tatsuko  " I would like to change the lodgings. "

Oshima  " Why ?  Anything wrong you have ? "

Tatsuko  " I am not going to be in harmony with the land-lady . "

Oshima  " Come here now . We will stay here together . "

Then , they would go to the foreign language school at Cromwell Road together.

At 7 am. they got up from the same single bed , dressed themselves and went to the small but cozy dinning room . After having a english breakfast that was enough for 2 girls , they went to school together.For the school , when they went down the road to the seashore , crossed the antique-looking steel bridge , got down the stone stairs that was at the left side of the road for short-cut , there was a tiny general store at the left side . Every time they passed by , a little girl freckled who was working at this shop and always standing in front of the door , acknowledged their presence with a nod as usual and sometimes she smiled innocently to them and teased Oshima . Because Oshima had sent letters to her mother almost three times in one day at the post office inside the shop where a little girl was working . It took nearly 10 minutes on foot to the school . There were French , German , Swedish , Egyptian and Japanese  , totally 14 students.  Normally it ended 12 . After school it had been the custom they went to the coffee shop which young couple managed , where they had  fish and chips wrapped by the newspaper with pleasure.

Brighton was famous and popular for the health resort to retired men and women . Therefore it was actually calm and tranquil atmosphere.   Tatsuko made her jolly good livings more than she had expected . Otherwise Oshima was gradually boring her life in Brighton then from her interest she came to smoke a cigarette these days.

In the evening at the bus stop , Oshima had a scary experience . 

What happened ?
