oshima story (6)


One day journey , transfering a railway and a ferry.  They managed to arrive at a small station where Paul waited.  Paul picked them up, then went to the house by his car.  On the way home Oshima saw some cozy one story houses, windows decorating with many colorful flowers, alongside the road.

As soon as he sounded his klaxon in front of his house, his mother opened the door ,rushed to them and had hugs each of them in turn for a hearty welcome.  Oshima was told that Tatsuko and Paul  would get married later on and live together at this two storey house in Sweden.

The next day they went to the lake near by in order to have a lunch together at the really small island located at the center of the lake. Whenever they had a every single row, ripples or waves on the surface was spreading out calmly.  Sometimes they heard nothing but the sound birds flapped wings far away.

Reaching at last, they gathered dread trees, kindled a fire with matches then made some coffee for lunch.

The surface of a lake was silent and quiet to the last, hillocks and trees were reflected on the lake as if it had been a mirror.

Paul      " Sweden is beautiful, but melancholy. "

Oshima  " Why ? "

Paul       " That's too beautiful. "

Oshima and Tatsuko  made a sense of it.

They were staying there no words so long.
