oshima story (4)

Oshima and Tatsuko had a dinner time at a pub near the Brighton Rock , drinking beers and chattering out.

Tatsuko  " Well I have an appointment to meet Paul in his flat , I will be                out now. "

Oshima  " You are happy , aren't you ?  Say hello to Paul. "

4 months passed away since they had arrived in England . Although they started the same room , Tatsuko planned to relocated for living with his Swedish boyfriend from the next month. After Tatsuko left from the pub at a quick pace , Oshima ordered a half bottle of wine additionally. She got drunk. She was afraid of a hang over the next day.

She was taking a tottering steps to the bus stop in order to get back. It was foggy night unexpectedly for this season. There were not private houses at all but huge warehouuses near the bus stop. An amber light illuminated a roof of the bus stop only.  After a while, one big stern-looked worker was approaching to Oshima step by step banging the wall by his fist . He walked drunken staggering . 

Oshima was scared very much , nothing to do for escaping from , just smoking a cigarette for taking no notice of him and trying to calm down herself.  He passed by.  Nothing happened. The moment she felt relieved, he quickly turned back and said , " Smoking is not good for your health ! "
