The Future of AI-Generated Images and the Red Flag Law


Hey there! I'm Koharu, a middle schooler, and for my homework from my dad, I researched "The Future of AI-Generated Images and the Red Flag Law." It's kinda complicated, but I'll try to explain it in a fun way. Let's dive in!

So like, I wrote this article to get all my ideas together. I'm totally gonna edit it a bunch more times and then make it into a bigger and more complete paper.

What’s the Red Flag Law?

So, first up, the Red Flag Law. This was a law in England way back in the 1800s. At that time, cars were just starting to become a thing, but most people still used horse-drawn carriages. The folks who worked with horses were super worried that cars would take away their jobs.

In 1865, the British government passed the "Locomotive Act," also known as the Red Flag Law. This law said that cars couldn't go faster than 4 miles per hour (which is like, super slow), and someone had to walk in front of the car with a red flag to warn people. Because of this, the car industry in England fell way behind other countries.

AI-Generated Images and Modern Rules

Now, let's talk about AI. Today, AI is like, crazy smart and can make really cool pictures and stuff. But sometimes, it can be a problem. For example, people can use AI to make fake photos or mess with copyright rules.

To deal with this, countries are coming up with rules for AI-generated images. In Europe, they proposed the AI Act in 2021, which aims to regulate AI based on how risky it is. But in the US, the rules are more relaxed, and they're more focused on letting AI tech grow and improve.

Risks of Too Many Rules

But here's the thing: if the rules are too strict, it could slow down how fast technology advances. It's kinda like what happened with the Red Flag Law. Here are some things that could go wrong:

  1. Slower Tech Development: If there are too many rules, it could be hard for researchers to develop new technology. This might make us fall behind other countries.

  2. Less Innovation: Strict rules can make it tough to try out new ideas. This is especially hard for small companies and startups because dealing with all the regulations can be really expensive.

  3. Economic Losses: If tech doesn’t advance, the economy might not grow as fast. AI is super important for many industries, so the impact could be huge.


Regulating AI-generated images is important to prevent fake images and protect copyright, but going overboard with the rules can slow down tech progress. We need to learn from the Red Flag Law and find a balance. By creating flexible rules, we can encourage innovation while keeping risks low.

That’s the end of my research! Thanks for reading!

To Do:

My to-do list is totes intense!

  • So, first, I gotta dig deeper into this Red Flag Law thing and find some actual examples.

  • Then, I need to, like, totally understand why illustrators are freaking out about AI-generated images right now.

  • And lastly, I wanna see if the regulations on AI-generated images are gonna slow down AI tech, just like how the Red Flag Law from the 19th century slowed down the car industry in the UK.

So much to do, right?
