
Chat Rules

・Don't mention another distributor's name when I'm not on the subject.
※Okay if I am talking about that person.

・Please do not mention my name unnecessarily when I am not on topic in another distributor's slot.

・Please do not engage in any promotional activities/critical comments/malicious rants/harassment/political topics, etc.
※(Both to the distributor and to the listeners)

・Please refrain from engaging with other listeners who have come to the distribution.

・It is very nice to see listeners hanging out with other listeners, but please refrain from forcibly inviting newcomers to join the discord.
※Light invitations are OK ⭕️, persistent ones are not ✖.

・Please don't mention the names of specific listeners who are not on the topic.
※If you want to talk to other listeners, please use whisper.

・Don't talk about discord (VC content, etc.).

❌We will give you a warning once, but if it is too severe, we will silent block you on the spot.
❌Ignoring warnings and repeated violations will result in a ban.
❌Game friend deletion/TwitchBAN/DiscordBAN (if you are participating)