"Overcoming Regret for the Past and Anxiety for the Future: The Power of Living in the Now"

Regret for the past and anxiety for the future
are the results of the mind's reaction to the concept of irreversible time
in a still undeveloped society.

Since Earth is a planet full of limitations and still underdeveloped,
these feelings can also be seen as trials to overcome.

The barren emotions of regretting the past and fearing the future
damage the hippocampus of the brain,
gradually destroying it.
As this destruction progresses, so does dementia.

However, when one focuses on living in the present,
time and space unite,
and within this unified spacetime,
brain cells experience joy and begin to expand.

Regret for the past and anxiety for the future
stem from the lack of recognition of the present moment.
For life and the universe, the present moment is everything.
All things are condensed into the present.

Meditation is a practice that creates the state
where the mind is solely focused on the present moment.

By living in the now,
the hippocampus of the brain expands,
sending vibrations of joy and waves of love
into the universe.
