
Mrs. Robinson in The Graduate symbolizes the sorrow and conflict of a middle-class woman in American society in the 1960s. Her life portrays themes such as the role of women in the family at that time, the loss of personal identity, social expectations and loneliness. By getting into an affair with the young protagonist Benjamin, Mrs. Robinson seeks new excitement in her life, but at the same time, the relationship further complicates her position. As a typical middle-class wife, she struggles between her inner desires and her need for self-actualization while trying to meet social expectations. Disappointment in her marriage and rebellion against the role of a "good wife and mother" expected by society are the roots behind her actions. The 1960s was a time when American women began to play a more active role in society, but Mrs. Robinson is a symbol of one who cannot adapt to the changes. She loses her place in the world while raising her children, suppressing her own dreams and hopes, and continuing her married life. This inner conflict overlaps with the reality that many women faced at the time. On the surface, Mrs. Robinson's character appears to belong to a wealthy family and live a stable life, but in reality, she feels a sense of emptiness inside. While marriage and having a family are considered a form of social success, women are often pressured by the intangible expectations of childcare and housework, which often affect their self-esteem and happiness. Mrs. Robinson's struggle to find meaning in her existence evokes strong sympathy from the viewer. Towards the end of the film, her suffering becomes more and more apparent, and ultimately, with the end of her relationship with the young man, she feels even more lonely. Mrs. Robinson's sadness leaves a deep impression on the viewer as it depicts the difficulties of life for women in middle-class families and the pressures of social roles. In this way, the character of Mrs. Robinson is not merely a symbol of an adulterous relationship, but a deep symbol of the social background and inner conflicts faced by women in middle-class families at the time, and her tragedy still makes many people think today. Through her story, we can learn the truth about women at the mercy of the times.
